Jeffrey-Fazal / js-array-methods

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Array Methods with Callbacks

Getting Started

  1. Fork this repo and git clone it down to your computer
  2. Create two files index.html and script.js
  3. Include script.js in index.html using a <script> tag
  4. Open index.html in your web browser and open the console
  5. After answering each section below, git commit your work
  6. When you're finished or when time is up, push your work to your remote repo, and file a Pull Request

Given the following array of horses:

const horses = [
    name: 'maythehorsebewithu',
    active: true,
    country: 'AUS',
    yearOfBirth: 2000,
    hourlyRate: 30,
    numOfHoursWorked: 2000
    name: 'Seabiscuit',
    active: true,
    country: 'USA',
    yearOfBirth: 2007,
    hourlyRate: 50,
    numOfHoursWorked: 2500
    name: 'Justify',
    active: true,
    country: 'USA',
    yearOfBirth: 2004,
    hourlyRate: 30,
    numOfHoursWorked: 2000
    name: 'Lost in the Fog',
    active: false,
    country: 'AUS',
    yearOfBirth: 1981,
    hourlyRate: 88,
    numOfHoursWorked: 900
    name: 'Eclipse',
    active: false,
    country: 'AUS',
    yearOfBirth: 2003,
    hourlyRate: 12,
    numOfHoursWorked: 9000
    name: 'Citation',
    active: true,
    country: 'AUS',
    yearOfBirth: 2003,
    hourlyRate: 42,
    numOfHoursWorked: 6450

Write code to do the following (sometimes it helps to write each solution in a for loop first):

  1. Use .forEach to print the name of each horse.

    Expected output:

    Lost in the Fog
  2. Use .map to return an array of the years of birth for each horse.

    Expected output:

    [2000, 2007, 2004, 1981, 2003, 2003]
  3. Use .filter to filter in only the active horses.

    Expected output:

      {name: 'maythehorsebewithu', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2000, hourlyRate: 30, …},
      {name: 'Seabiscuit', active: true, country: 'USA', yearOfBirth: 2007, hourlyRate: 50, …},
      {name: 'Justify', active: true, country: 'USA', yearOfBirth: 2004, hourlyRate: 30, …},
      {name: 'Citation', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2003, hourlyRate: 42, …}
  4. Use the appropriate method(s) to select the horses from Australia.

    Expected output:

      {name: 'maythehorsebewithu', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2000, hourlyRate: 30, …},
      {name: 'Lost in the Fog', active: false, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 1981, hourlyRate: 88, …},
      {name: 'Eclipse', active: false, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2003, hourlyRate: 12, …},
      {name: 'Citation', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2003, hourlyRate: 42, …}
  5. Use the appropriate method(s) to select horses that earn $50 or more per hour.

    Expected output:

      {name: 'Seabiscuit', active: true, country: 'USA', yearOfBirth: 2007, hourlyRate: 50, …},
      {name: 'Lost in the Fog', active: false, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 1981, hourlyRate: 88, …}
  6. Use the appropriate method(s) to get a list of the totals earned by each horse.

    Expected output:

    [60000, 125000, 60000, 79200, 108000, 270900]


Use the appropriate method to return horses from youngest to oldest hint: look up "JS sort compare function".

Expected output:
``` text
  {name: 'Seabiscuit', active: true, country: 'USA', yearOfBirth: 2007, hourlyRate: 50, …},
  {name: 'Justify', active: true, country: 'USA', yearOfBirth: 2004, hourlyRate: 30, …},
  {name: 'Eclipse', active: false, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2003, hourlyRate: 12, …},
  {name: 'Citation', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2003, hourlyRate: 42, …},
  {name: 'maythehorsebewithu', active: true, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 2000, hourlyRate: 30, …},
  {name: 'Lost in the Fog', active: false, country: 'AUS', yearOfBirth: 1981, hourlyRate: 88, …}
