Jeffery-Meng / ONIAK

ONe Index for All Kernels (ONIAK)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is ANNS-ALT

In ANNS-ALT, the dataset consists of data vectors, say x, and each query is a vector y and a matrix (linear transform) M. The goal is to find the nearest neighbor of y in L2 distance after all data vectors are transformed by M, i.e. argmin||Mx - y||2.

ANNS-ALT is a very general mother problem. ANNS problems under large number of interesting metrics, including Mahalanobis distance, point-to-subspace distance, and weighted L2 distance, can be reduced to ANNS-ALT.

How to make ONIAK

Simply run make from the FALCONN folder. Alternatively, you can specify the exact solution as follows.

falconn-axequaltoy for the ONIAK LSH solution.

jlt-filter for the JLT-based filter.

How to run ONIAK

./falconn-axequaltoy -cf [config file path]

The config file requires the following attributes:

  • dimension: the data dimension PLUS TWO. (We will add two dummy dimensions in our implementation.)

  • training size: number of data vectors.

  • testing size: number of queries.

  • number of query rows: number of rows in each query matrix.

  • number of neighbors: number of nearest neighbors to return.

  • eigenvalue filepath: folder of precomputed eigenvalues (the dimension must be the next power of two after dimension).

  • data filename, query filename, and kernel filename: path to data vectors (x), query vectors (y), and linear transformations (M). All in .fvecs format.

  • result filename: path for output.

  • hash table parameters: a list of parameters, one for each partition.

    • k: number of hash functions in each table

    • l: number of hash tables.

    • bucket width: width of each hash bucket.

    • upper and lower: upper and lower bound (in squared l2 norm) of each partition.

The following attributes are used by the JLT-based filter:

number of filters: the target (after reduction) dimension of JLT.

ratio of finalists: the ratio of candidates returned by JLT.

candidate filename: if JLT is used in combination with ONIAK, it is a path to an .ivecs candidate file. Otherwise, it is "linear scan".

DO NOT change the other attributes (They are experimental).


The ONIAK library is developed by Jingfan Meng, Huayi Wang, and Jun Xu. Mitsunori Ogihara also contributed to the ONIAK project.


ONIAK is available under the MIT License (see LICENSE.txt). Note that the third-party libraries in the external/ folder are distributed under other open source licenses. The Eigen library is licensed under the MPL2. The googletest and googlemock libraries are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. The pybind11 library is licensed under a BSD-style license.

Related Works

The multi-probe LSH implementation in ONIAK is based on

Lv, Qin, et al. "Multi-probe LSH: efficient indexing for high-dimensional similarity search." Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases. 2007.

The asymmetric mapping pair (AMP) for reducing ANNS-ALT queries to ANNS-L2 is based on

Basri, Ronen, Tal Hassner, and Lihi Zelnik-Manor. "Approximate nearest subspace search." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33.2 (2010): 266-278.


We would like to thank the authors of the FALCONN library, from which ONIAK is derived.

We have also drawn great inspirations from the HD3 pseudorandom rotation in the research paper of FALCONN.


ONe Index for All Kernels (ONIAK)


Language:C 72.8%Language:C++ 25.2%Language:Python 1.8%Language:Makefile 0.2%Language:Shell 0.0%