JeffersonCarvalh0 / pibic-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This is a boilerplate for REST APIs written in TypeScript and built with Express which uses MongoDB as its database. It comes with some example code that manipulates cats objects in the database.


Apart from npm and node, the only thing needed is MongoDB installed and running in your computer.


Project structure

├── dist
├── src
│   ├── controllers
│       ├── auth.controller.ts
│       └── cat.controller.ts
│   ├── db
│       ├── cat.db.ts
│       └── user.db.ts
│   ├── routes
│       ├── auth.routes.ts
│       └── cat.routes.ts
│   ├── test
│       └── cat.spec.ts
│   ├── app.ts
│   ├── auth.ts
│   ├── config.ts
│   └── server.ts
├── nodemon.json
├── package.json
├── tsconfig.json



  • bcrypt - Library to hash passwords
  • body-parser - Middleware to parse incoming requests bodies
  • express - Web framework
  • jsonwebtoken - An implementation of JSON Web Tokens
  • mongoose - A MongoDB object modeling tool
  • morgan - HTTP request logger middleware
  • passport - Authentication middleware
  • passport-jwt - Passport strategy for authentication via JSON Web Token
  • passport-local - Passport strategy for authenticating with a username and password

Dev Dependencies

  • typings - Typings of the other packages for a better integration with TypeScript
  • chai - BDD/TDD assertion framework
  • chai-http - HTTP integration with chai assertions
  • mocha - JavaScript test framework
  • mocha-typescript - Allows to write mocha tests in TypeScript
  • nodemon - Monitor for any changes in the application and automatically restarts the server
  • ts-node - TypeScript execution and REPL
  • typescript - Superset of JavaScript



The configuration file for nodemon.

In this file, you can find the NPM configurations for the project, along with its dependencies. Here you might want to change the project's name, description, author and license. As you can notice, it also comes with some scripts:

  • npm build will use tsc to transpile the app to the dist folder.
  • npm start will run the server from the js code in dist.
  • npm run start-dev will run the server directly from ts code using ts-node. There is no need to build the app to use this command, and it restarts automatically thanks to nodemon.
  • npm test will run the tests located in test folder Again, there is no need to build the app since the tests are written in ts and the code will be executed by ts-node.

The configuration file for tsc, the TypeScript compiler. It was generated using the command tsc --init.

The main folder of the application. You can find its source code here.

Here the express app will be created and instantiated, and the middlewares will be set. The example routes are being added to the app, and the connection with the example database is being done.

In this file, the passport strategies are being configured. The LocalStrategy checks the recieved username and password with the ones saved in the example database. The JwtStrategy checks if the JWT was signed with the app's secret key, decrypt it and then check if the username which was embedded in the JWT is valid.

Here the app's configs are stored. You will find configurations for development, tests and production. This file is imported when the configs are needed, and it will export the config depending on what is set in the process.env.NODE_ENV variable. Notice that the scripts in package.json are setting this variable before executing the app.

In this file the https server is bootstraped. You will need the files for the certificate, which can be generated using the following commands executed from root:

    openssl genrsa -out localhost.key 2048
    openssl req -new -x509 -key localhost.key -out localhost.cert -days 3650 -subj /CN=localhost

Notice that this key is self signed and should only be used in development, and not in production.

Here you can put the controllers for your routes.

This is the authentication controller. It has a controller for a login route which uses the local strategy and returns a JWT to the client. It also has a register controller for new users and a controller to test whether the authentication was successful, checking the JWT sent by the user. Notice that in this one, the code that tells this route should be proceted is in app.ts.

Controller for cat's routes. It performs some basic CRUD operations as examples.

Here you can declare mongoose models and schemas, along with their TypeScript interfaces.

Here you can find mongoose stuff for the cats.

The same as before, but now for users in the database. Notice the pre and compare methods of the schema. They hash the password before it is store and compare it with the password given by an user, respectively.

Here you can write your routes. You can follow the examples already presented here. Don't forget to bootstrap them in app.ts.

Routes for login, register and testAuth.

Routes for the cat's CRUD.

Here you can put your tests. They will be executed running npm test. By using mocha-typescript, you can write them in TypeScript, and thanks to ts-node you can run them without compiling.

In this file you can find some examples of unitary tests.



Language:TypeScript 100.0%