Jeff-Russ / terminal_attach

"attach" mac OSX terminal to any code editor

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Terminal Attacher

If you work on OSX in a code editor that lacks a quality built-in terminal and you find that suffling window size and focus between your editor is a workflow killer then this bag of tricks will help.

This works with any code editor (although defaulted to Sublime Text) together with a program called Moom, an automator file with some Bash and Applescript, and some OSX preference tweeks. This solution will make it so you essentially have the the Mac OSX terminal attached to your code editor With keybord command to resize each pane and toggle focus.

This video explains a lot.

It also creates right-click and keyboard shortcuts to open any file or folder as a project in your editor, loaded with the terminal pointing to the working directory


  1. Install Moom
  2. Drop com.manytricks.Moom.plist in ~/Library/Preferences
  3. Launch Moom and in it's prefs > custom make sure you see entries, if not you can make the entry yourself:
    • make a new "arrange windows"
    • set keyboard shortcut to ⌥A
    • uncheck "ignore obstructed windows"
    • open up sublime and terminal and places then as you like
    • close every other window, even finder windows
    • back in your moom preferences click "Update Snapshot"
  4. Also make sure it launches upon startup
  5. Drop Open with Sublime in ~/Library/Services
  6. ⌥⌘⎋ and restart finder
  7. Open SystemPrefs > Keyboard > Shortcuts>Services
  8. Look for Open with Sublime. Activate
  9. Optionally, give it a shortcut. I use ⌃⌥⌘ E


When you want to work on a project, right click the folder and you'll see and Open with Sublime option. If you made a key shortcut you can use that instead.

key shortcuts to resize:

⌥ E large __E__ditor on top, small terminal on buttom
⌥ D medium editor on top, medium terminal on buttom
⌥ C small editor on top, large terminal (__C__onsole) on buttom


"attach" mac OSX terminal to any code editor