JeetShah10 / Time-Series-Forecasting-using-NN-LSTM-and-CNN

Predicted a stock price close of a day based on the last 7 day’s time series data using Neural Network, LSTM and CNN. Found the best number of the days should be considered in the past that yield the best model. Also, used LSTM to predict the stock prices for a company like Google and Apple for a continuous 5 days period.

Repository from Github https://github.comJeetShah10/Time-Series-Forecasting-using-NN-LSTM-and-CNNRepository from Github https://github.comJeetShah10/Time-Series-Forecasting-using-NN-LSTM-and-CNN


Predicted a stock price close of a day based on the last 7 day’s time series data using Neural Network, LSTM and CNN. Found the best number of the days should be considered in the past that yield the best model. Also, used LSTM to predict the stock prices for a company like Google and Apple for a continuous 5 days period.


Predicted a stock price close of a day based on the last 7 day’s time series data using Neural Network, LSTM and CNN. Found the best number of the days should be considered in the past that yield the best model. Also, used LSTM to predict the stock prices for a company like Google and Apple for a continuous 5 days period.


Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%