JeepNL / CloudFlare

Visual Studio Blazor WASM Project on CloudFlare Pages

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comJeepNL/CloudFlareRepository from Github https://github.comJeepNL/CloudFlare

Static Blazor WASM Website on CloudFlare Pages

Live Site:

Niels Swimberghe wrote a great blog post on how to deploy your Blazor WebAssembly Static Website to CloudFlare Pages.

To use the latest .NET 7.0.0 Preview 3 SDK (April 13, 2022) on Cloudflare Pages you'll need to modify the build command: 👇

wget;tar zxf dotnet-sdk-7.0.100-preview.3.22179.4-linux-x64.tar.gz;rm dotnet-sdk-7.0.100-preview.3.22179.4-linux-x64.tar.gz;./dotnet workload install wasm-tools;ls -la;./dotnet --info;./dotnet publish CloudFlare.sln -r linux-x64 -c Release -o output --self-contained;

For wasm-tools to work you'll need to set the environment variable PYTHON_VERSION to 3.7 in Cloudflare Pages settings.

This live prototype receives its data from remote .NET 7 Preview gRPC services running on a co-located Ubuntu VPS.

Everything .NET! 😉

Static Blazor WASM Website on CloudFlare Pages


Visual Studio Blazor WASM Project on CloudFlare Pages

License:MIT License


Language:HTML 74.3%Language:C# 25.1%Language:CSS 0.6%