JdeRobot / DetectionMetrics

Tool to evaluate deep-learning detection and segmentation models, and to create datasets

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Error Running Autoevaluator

dbutragueno opened this issue · comments


I have been trying Autoevaluator tool from Detection Suite using Caffe and three differents trained models. I created my config file like that:

Captura de pantalla 2019-06-06 a las 22 55 51

After, I ran the app but a Segmentation fault (core dumped) error showed up:

Captura de pantalla 2019-06-06 a las 22 57 26

This is due to a denied access to memory but I don't know the reason.

Anyone knows what could be the problem? Is this tool working currently?


Hello @vinay0410,

do you know something about that?


Hi @vinay0410,

I think this problem is because of the inferencer I am using. Changing my config file and using, for example keras, the script KerasInferencer.cpp runs and it fails because Keras is not install in my pc. Because I'm using Caffe, is it necessary to set parameters like scaling factor, input size or mean subtraction in my config file? If so, how do I due configure it?


@DavidButra , I will once look into what is Autoevaluator and how does it work and get back to you soon. And sorry for the delayed response :)

Yes, @DavidButra you will have to set additional parameters like scaling factor, input size etc, in the config file. I will just try it myself, and let you know, how to set them.