JcMinarro / stream-chat

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Official Android SDK for Stream Chat

Build Status version Component Reference


4.x is based on Kotlin and splits out the client, offline support and UX components. It adds seamless offline support, improved performance, makes it easier to integrate and has better test coverage.

stream-chat-android is the official Android SDK for Stream Chat, a service for building chat and messaging applications. This library includes both a low-level chat SDK and a set of reusable UI components. Most users start with the UI components, and fall back to the lower level API when they want to customize things.

Quick Links

Java/Kotlin Chat Tutorial

The best place to start is the Android Chat Tutorial. It teaches you how to use this SDK and also shows how to make frequently required changes. You can use either Java or Kotlin depending on your preference.

Clone the Github Example App

This repo includes a fully functional example app. To run the example app:

git clone git@github.com:GetStream/stream-chat-android.git

Open the project in Android Studio and set up your emulator (we're using Pixel 3, API 29 at the moment). Note that the Gradle sync process can take some time when you first open the project.


This library provides:

The documentation for LiveData and the custom views is available here: https://getstream.io/chat/docs/android_overview/?language=kotlin

Chat API

The low-level Chat API docs are available for both Kotlin and Java.

Supported features

  • Channels list UI
  • Channel UI
  • Message Reactions
  • Link preview
  • Images, Videos and Files attachments
  • Edit and Delete message
  • Typing Indicators
  • Read Indicators
  • Push Notifications
  • Image gallery
  • GIF support
  • Light/Dark themes
  • Style customization
  • UI customization
  • Threads
  • Slash commands
  • Markdown messages formatting

Installing the Java Chat SDK

  • Step 1 Add repository into root build.gradle
allprojects {
    repositories {
    maven {
        url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Step 2 Add library dependency into app build.gradle

See the jitpack badge above for the latest version number

android {
    dataBinding {
        enabled = true
    compileOptions {
        //for java projects
        implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"

        sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.GetStream:stream-chat-android:version'


If you're using Proguard/R8, you'll want to have a look at the proguard file we use for the sample.

Setup Stream Chat

Make sure to initialize the SDK only once; the best place to do this is in your Application class.

public class App extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        Chat chat = new Chat.Builder("api-key", this).build();

With this, you will be able to retrieve Chat instance from any part of your application using Chat.getInstance(). Here's an example:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Chat chat = Chat.getInstance();

Online status

Connection status to Chat is available via Chat.getInstance().getOnlineStatus() which returns a LiveData object you can attach observers to.


Markdown support

Markdown support is based on Markwon: 4.1.2. Currently SDK doesn't support all Markwon features and limited to this plugins:

If you want to use another library for Markdown or extend the Markwon plugins you can use the code below

Chat chat = new Chat.Builder(apiKey, this)
    .markdown((textView, text) -> {

Debug and development


By default, logging is disabled. You enable logs and set log level when initializing Chat:

Chat chat = new Chat.Builder("api-key", context).logLevel(ChatLogLevel.ALL).build()

If you need to intercept logs you can pass logger handler:

Chat chat = new Chat.Builder("api-key", context)
    .loggerHandler(new ChatLoggerHandler() {
        public void logI(@NotNull Object tag, @NotNull String message) {


Editing this library

This guide assumes that you're working on your own project in the project folder and clone the chat SDK library in a separate folder.

  1. First of all, you'll want to clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:GetStream/stream-chat-android.git
  1. Next you'll edit your project's settings.graddle and add this
include ':chat'

project(":chat").projectDir=new File("ABSOLUTEPATHTOstream-chat-android here")
  1. Open up your project/app/build.gradle and replace the production SDK with your local copy
//implementation 'com.github.getstream:stream-chat-android:version'
implementation project(':chat')
  1. Next open up project/build.gradle.

Add the following to the buildscript {} entry.

buildscript {

    ext {
        googleServiceVersion = '4.3.2'
        gradleVersion = '3.5.2'
        gradlePluginVersion = '2.1'
        jacocoVersion = '0.1.4'
        mannodermausVersion = ''


Next, set up these libraries in the dependencies. (They are needed to compile stream-chat-android)

buildscript {
    dependecies {
    classpath "com.android.tools.build:gradle:$gradleVersion"
        classpath "com.github.dcendents:android-maven-gradle-plugin:$gradlePluginVersion"
        classpath "com.google.gms:google-services:$googleServiceVersion"
        classpath "de.mannodermaus.gradle.plugins:android-junit5:$mannodermausVersion"
        classpath "com.dicedmelon.gradle:jacoco-android:$jacocoVersion"

Hit build/clean project in android studio and build your app.


Channel List loading icons spins forever

Not setting the lifecycle owner on a data binding can cause the channel list loading icon to spin forever.

mBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.fragment_chat, container, false);

It's also possible that the permissions for your app are cached. Try uninstalling the app from your emulator and reinstalling to ensure you have the permissions required by this library.

Images are not loaded

In most cases you can try to see the reason in logcat with tag Glide. One of the reasons is that app tries to load image from http url, but not https. To fix it you need to define network security config.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Keep in mind this example allows to make any http request, to define proper security config read Android documentation-->
    <base-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true" />

And update your Manifest:


Localize the UI with Translations

You can translate all strings of SDK by overriding string keys.
The example app has a few examples:




Language:Kotlin 67.8%Language:Java 32.2%Language:Shell 0.0%