JayArrowz / 317-Example

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317-Example for NetScape

This is a example of a 317 server using the Netscape Framework. To see NetScape go here: https://github.com/JayArrowz/NetScape


Config exists inside appsettings.json. Ensure you have the correct ConnectionStrings to the postgres database


Seeding the database

Run the command at the root of the repo:

dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ef
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
dotnet ef database update

Cache Dir

Create the folder AspNetServerData\Cache in your users home folder and add the cache This can be changed via the appsettings.json

Container Modules

Currently this example uses the 317 modules. There are other revision specific modules available on Nuget to replace these ones.

            List<Module> modules = new()
                new ThreeOneSevenGameModule(),
                new MessagesModule(
                new ThreeOneSevenLoginModule(),
                new ThreeOneSevenUpdatingModule()
            ServerHandler.RunServer<MyPlayer>("appsettings.json", BuildDbOptions, modules);

Changing Player Schema

A user can either use the default Player object or create their own by extending it. A example is shown here:

    public class MyPlayer : Player
        public string ANewFieldInDb { get; set; }
ServerHandler.RunServer<MyPlayer>("appsettings.json", BuildDbOptions, modules);

Whenever a new field has been added to the player a new migration has to be created and the database has to be updated by running the following commands:

dotnet ef migrations add NewMigrationName
dotnet ef database update

Adding a New Message Subscriber

A example message handler can be seen here, the server automatically detects these annotations across the whole solution:

    public class TestButtonHandler
        public void DoSomeShit(DecoderMessage<ThreeOneSevenDecoderMessages.Types.ButtonMessage> message)
            Console.WriteLine("Button clicked: " + message.Message.InterfaceId);



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