Jaxwood / dapr-pubsub

An example of using Dapr pubsub

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Dapr PubSub

An example of two microservices communicating using pubsub with Redis and Dapr.


Install Dapr in the cluster

kind create cluster
dapr init -k

Install Redis in the cluster

kubectl create ns app
helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
helm install redis bitnami/redis -n app

Install custom manifests

kubectl apply -f manifests -n app


Portforward the publisher service (port 8080) and curl

kubectl port-forward -n app pod/publisher-7f5996b496-m6scs  8080:8080
curl localhost:8080/saysomething/hello

Observe the message is being logged in the consumer microservice


An example of using Dapr pubsub


Language:C# 56.5%Language:Dockerfile 43.5%