JasonSanford / the-long-dark-map

A web map for The Long Dark

Home Page:http://jasonsanford.github.io/the-long-dark-map/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The Long Dark Map

A work in progress web map of the various area available to play in The Long Dark.



The map is designed in Mapbox Studio. I'm using QGIS to create the base layers (accessible/inaccessible areas, water, boundaries, roads, rail) as shapefiles and importing them into Mapbox. POIs like shelters, areas, caves, bridges, and tunnels will be drawn as markers on the client side.


I'm borrowing a lot of the boundary and POIs from this Steam user. These maps are still best for reference when exploring. This is just an attempt to make a fancy zoomable version.


A web map for The Long Dark



Language:HTML 76.4%Language:JavaScript 16.0%Language:CSS 7.5%