JasonRivers / GameplayModifiersPlus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Obligatory SellOut Message: If you like the mod, consider contributing to my snack fund: Here

Adds additional modifiers to the game, as well as Twitch Chat Integration

  • Requires Harmony, BS Utils, and BeatSaberCustomUI

  • Requires StreamCore if you plan on using Chat Integration

Standard Usage

  • There are several modifiers added to the menu that do not require setting up StreamCore, however you must do so if you plan on using chat integration

  • Additional modifiers can be accessed through the ' Additional modifiers' option in the GameplayModfiersPlus option in the modifers panel, which can be accessed by scrolling down the right side of modifiers, below no fail

  • For Usage of the modifiers, refer to their tooltips that explain what they do

  • Any modifier that disables score submission defaults to off every time you start the game, including chat integration

Chat Integration

  • Make sure to edit the TwitchLoginInfo.ini located in the UserData/StreamCore folder, which can be found in your game installation folder, in the same directory as your game executable, if it does not exist, make sure you have StreamCore installed through the mod installer, and run the game to the main menu, then close the game.

  • GamePlayModifiersPlusChatSettings.ini will be genereated in the UserData folder after running the game with the plugin installed

StreamCore Setup Guide
  • Example StreamCore Config StreamCore Config Image

  • Make sure the game is closed before editing the config

  • Username: The name of the user the plugin will send chat messages through

  • ChannelName: The name of the channel the plugin will monitor the chat of to look for messages

  • OauthKey: The oauth key for the user put in the Username section which is required for the plugin to be able to send messages through that user, you can generate one for that account at https://twitchapps.com/tmi/

  • OauthKey MUST Include the 'oauth:' part of the key that is generated

  • Do NOT freely give out your oauth key to other people, (And no that is not my actual oauth key in the image, just an example)

  • To Use Chat Integration, ensure you have set up StreamCore to connect to your channel, then turn on the modifier, type !gm help into your chat for details on how to use it, the config for chat settings is located in UserData/GameplayModifiersPlusChatSettings.ini (As of Version 1.6.0 or Later it is located in UserData/GameplayModifiersPlus.ini instead)

  • Refer to below for more information on using chat integration, if you decide not to read it and end up confused because you did not read it, go read it. But you should probably just read it in the first place and save yourself the future trouble


  • '!gm help' Links to readme for the mod, lists various commands that give useful information
  • '!gm status' Displays whether chat integration is currently on, as well as who can currently use chat integration commands
  • '!gm charges' Displays the current charge count, the commands that currently have costs, and the amount of commands that can be in one message. If a command is not listed here, that means it has no cost set


UI Image

  • When chat integration is active, there is now a UI display in game, On the left in red are the currently active cooldowns, indicating which commands can not be used at the moment. In the center is a counter of the current charges compared to the max charges, and on the right in yellow is the commands that are currently active.

Basic Chat Config Options (More Below)

Option About
uiOnTop Whether the in game chat integration UI is on the top or bottom
showCooldownOnMessage Whether cooldowns are displayed in chat with the message for command activation
allowModCommands Whether the channel's moderators are allowed to edit the config from chat, if off only the broadcaster can
commandsPerMessage How many commands can be stacked in one chat message
globalCommandCooldown How long in seconds must pass before another chat message with commands will be activated
allowEveryone If on, everyone in chat is allowed to use commands for chat integration
allowSubs If allowEveryone is off and this is on, only subs and moderators will be able to use commands, if this is also off, commands will be limited to moderators
chargesForSuperCharge The amount of additional charges required to activate a supercharge for a command, charge system is explained below
chargesPerLevel The amount of charges generated every time a song starts
maxCharges The max amount of charges that can be accumulated from chargesPerLevel
bitsPerCharge If greater than 0, any message with bits will add charges based on its multiple of this amount
timeForCharges How often to add charges during a song, if not 0
chargesOverTime If charges over time is active, how many charges to give every occurance of the time period
resetChargesperLevel If true, charges will be reset after every song

Charge System

  • Every Command has a chargeCost that you can specify, and the command will only be activated if the amount of charges exceeds the cost, and will subtract the cost accordingly
  • You can choose to either have charges only be generated automatically per level, to provide a "budget" to limit command usage, or restrict the generation of charges to bits, or both using the options explained above
  • You can also set charges to be generated over time during a song, as outlined above, in addition to or instead of the above options
  • SuperCharges require additional charges on top of the chargeCost to use a command, but extend the duration of the effects to be much, much greater...

Command Chat Config Options

  • Since there are enough commands that listing every single option here would be cumbersome, I will explain the "properties" a command can have and what they do
Option About
chargeCost The base amount of charges required to use a command
Duration The base amount of time in seconds the effects of a command last
Cooldown How long in seconds before that command can be used again
Min For random commands, the min value of the random range
Max For random commands, the max value of the random range
Chance For commands based on chance, the chance (0-1) of something occuring
Multiplier For multiplier based commands, like faster or slower commands, the multiplier used. I.E. 1.2 = 120%

Current Commands

Command Description
DA Temporarily activates disappearing arrows for the duration
Smaller Makes the notes much smaller for the duration
Larger Makes the notes much larger for the duration
Random Makes the note size random within the set range for the duration
InstaFail For the duration, any mistake will cause instant failure, denoted by red health bar
Invincible For the duration, cannot lose any health, denoted by Gold health bar
NjsRandom Randomizes the note jump speed of the notes for the duration
NoArrows Turns the map into no arrows mode for the duration
Funky For the duration, notes are funky
Rainbow Randomizes note colors for the duration, currently left colors will be random warm colors, right will be random cool colors
Pause Literally just pauses the game. Has it's own seperate global command cooldown you can set, pauseGlobalCooldown, instead of a standard cooldown
Bombs For the duration, notes have a chance to be replaced with bombs
Poison For the duration, health regen is disabled
OffsetRandom For the duration, randomizes the note spawn offset
Mirror For the duration, mirrors the map
Reverse For the duration, reverses the direction the notes come from
Faster (Only Enabled if Practice Plugin is Installed) For the duration, the song speed is altered by the multiplier
Slower (Only Enabled if Practice Plugin is Installed) For the duration, the song speed is altered by the multiplier

If you plan on using the faster or slower commands, do not do so while using the base game to modify song speed, otherwsie hitsounds may become off sync

Moderator Commands

Reset Command

  • Moderators can use '!gm reset' to deactivate all non permament commands (Permanent ones being things like noarrows and pause), reset all active cooldowns, and reset charges to the charges per level, or 0 if that value is set to 0

Changing the Config

  • The config can be changed from the file, and will update itself once the game scene changes, without having to restart
  • The config can also be changed from chat by the broadcaster or moderators using the !configchange command, the usage of which is below

!configchange command property=value

  • Example Usage: !configchange da cooldown=5 would change the cooldown for DA to 5 seconds

!configchange property=value

  • To be used for Basic properties not attached to commands
  • Example usage: !configchange commandsPerMessage=2 Would change the commands per message to be 2

Multiplayer Mode (Currently Disabled)


  • If you have the BeatSaberMultiplayer plugin installed you can enable GMP's multiplayer functionality by toggling 'Allow in Multiplayer' in the modifiers menu, located below the Additional Modifiers Button
  • When the multiplayer functionality is enabled, if you're in a multiplayer room with another person using the same version of GMP with the multiplayer functionality enabled, the mode will activate when a song starts
  • When the mode is active, players in the lobby that have GMP active will have (GMP) appended to their names


  • Multiplayer GMP functions similarly to Chat Integration, in that there will be a charge counter wherever you have the chat integration UI set to appear, with active commands appearing in yellow to the right of it, and commands on cooldown appearing to the left of it in red.
  • In multiplayer however, the commands you recieve are sent by other players
  • Every few seconds you have a chance of generating a charge, when your charge meter fills you recieve a random powerup, pressing either of the triggers on your controllers will send the power to other players in the lobby using your version of GMP


License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%