JasonHaley / Aci.WebJobs.Extensions

Azure WebJob and Function extension to work with Azure Container Instance.

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Azure Functions and WebJob binding for Azure Container Instance (ACI)

Utility binding to use with Azure Functions and WebJobs that interact with Azure Container Instances

This is still in the early stages.


  • Create a new container
  • Delete a container
  • Get the logs from a container
  • Get the IPAddress of the container



The current implementation uses a Service Principal for authentication with your Azure account. You will need the

You can create a Service Principal with the following Azure CLI command:

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name <name> --password <password>

Here is an example of creating a service principal (replace the username and password with your own):

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name spname --password Password123!

The result will look like this:

  "appId": "cfd2f8df-e248-41b8-873b-4275d703349a",
  "displayName": "spname",
  "name": "http://spname",
  "password": "Password123!",
  "tenant": "df3bf7bb-bdae-4012-98a2-2742c5c77183"


AppSettings You will need to have the following values in App Settings (either in Azure or if running locally in a local.settings.json file):

  • AzureWebJobsStorage - this is a connection string to a storage account
  • AzureWebJobsDashboard - this is a connection string to a storage account
  • ClientId - this is the appId returned when you created the Service Principal
  • TenantId - this is the tenant returned once you created the Service Principal
  • ClientSecret - this is the password for the Service Principal

If you deploy to Azure you will also need to add the following App Setting due to the usage of the beta SDK:



The following example will create a new ACI container named "juice-shop" when any message is received in the "create-aci" queue in the storage account in the App Setting for AzureWebJobsStorage.

 public static async Task StartContainerInstance(
            [QueueTrigger("create-aci")] string startQueue,
            [Aci(AciName = "juice-shop", Action = AciAction.Create)] AciClient aciClient,
            TraceWriter log)
            log.Info("Creating container instance...");

            var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();

            // Create a new Container Instance of the juice-shop image from DockerHub
            // and expose port 3000
            await aciClient.CreateAsync("bkimminich/juice-shop", 3000);

            log.Info($"Container created in {stopWatch.Elapsed}");

            // Get the logs content for the container
            var logs = await aciClient.GetLogContentAsync();
            log.Info($"Container logs: {logs}");

            // Get the IPAddress for the container
            var ipAddress = await aciClient.GetIpAddress();
            log.Info($"IPAddress: {ipAddress}");

The following example will delete the ACI and the resource group it was created in when any message is received in the "delete-aci" queue in the storage account in the App Setting for AzureWebJobsStroage.

public static async Task DeleteContainerInstance(
            [QueueTrigger("delete-aci")] string deleteQueue,
            [Aci(AciName="juice-shop", Action=AciAction.Delete)] AciClient aciClient,
            TraceWriter log)
            // Get the logs content for the container
            var logs = await aciClient.GetLogContentAsync();
            log.Info($"Container logs: {logs}");

            log.Info($"Deleting container...");

            // Delete the container instance and the resource group
            await aciClient.DeleteAsync();

            log.Info("Container deleted.");


Azure WebJob and Function extension to work with Azure Container Instance.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%