Borrows heavily from Temporal (and since it's a fork also Cadence) as well as DTFx.
See also:
On Go support: the current version of the library requires Go 1.18 or later. There is a version that doesn't require generics and relies more on interface{}
instead, but I think the improved type safety is worth not supporting a version of Go before 1.18 for now.
Workflows are written in Go code. The only exception is they must not use any of Go's non-deterministic features (select
, iteration over a map
, etc.). Inputs and outputs for workflows and activities have to be serializable:
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context, input string) error {
r1, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic("error getting activity 1 result")
log.Println("A1 result:", r1)
r2, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity2).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic("error getting activity 1 result")
log.Println("A2 result:", r2)
return nil
Activities can have side-effects and don't have to be deterministic. They will be executed only once and the result is persisted:
func Activity1(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
return a + b, nil
func Activity2(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return 12, nil
The worker is responsible for executing Workflows
and Activities
, both need to be registered with it.
func runWorker(ctx context.Context, mb backend.Backend) {
w := worker.New(mb, nil)
if err := w.Start(ctx); err != nil {
panic("could not start worker")
The backend is responsible for persisting the workflow events. Currently there is an in-memory backend implementation for testing, one using SQLite, one using MySql, and one using Redis.
b := sqlite.NewSqliteBackend("simple.sqlite")
We can start workflows from the same process the worker runs in -- or they can be separate. Here we use the SQLite backend, spawn a single worker (which then executes both Workflows
and Activities
), and then start a single instance of our workflow
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
b := sqlite.NewSqliteBackend("simple.sqlite")
go runWorker(ctx, b)
c := client.NewClient(b)
wf, err := c.CreateWorkflowInstance(ctx, client.WorkflowInstanceOptions{
InstanceID: uuid.NewString(),
}, Workflow1, "input-for-workflow")
if err != nil {
panic("could not start workflow")
c2 := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(c2, os.Interrupt)
The high-level architecture follows the same model as Azure's DurableTask library. The "persistence store" or "providers" mentioned there are implementations of backend.Backend
for go-workflows
. There is no intermediate server, clients which create new workflow instances and retrieve their results, as well as worker processes (which could also be the same as clients), talk directly to the backend. For the two implemented backends so far, that also means directly to the database.
While there are implementations for other lanuages in the context of Azure Durable Functions, the general purpose version of Durable Task was only implemented for C#.
The execution model for go-workflows
follows closely the one created for Uber's Cadence and which was then forked by the original creators for
See for some more details.
For all backends, for now the initial schema is applied upon first usage. In the future this might move to something more powerful to migrate between versions, but in this early stage, there is no upgrade.
The Sqlite backend implementation supports two different modes, in-memory and on-disk.
- In-memory:
b := sqlite.NewInMemoryBackend()
- On-disk:
b := sqlite.NewSqliteBackend("simple.sqlite")
b := mysql.NewMysqlBackend("localhost", 3306, "root", "SqlPassw0rd", "simple")
b, err := redis.NewRedisBackend("localhost:6379", "user", "RedisPassw0rd", 0)
if err != nil {
Workflows need to accept workflow.Context
as their first parameter, and any number of inputs parameters afterwards. Parameters need to be serializable (e.g., no chan
s etc.). Workflows need to return an error
and optionally one additional result, which again needs to be serializable.
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context) error {
Workflows needs to be registered with the worker before they can be started:
var b backend.Backend
w := worker.New(b)
Similar to workflows, activities need to be registered with the worker before they can be started. They also need to accept context.Context
as their first parameter, and any number of inputs parameters afterwards. Parameters need to be serializable (e.g., no chan
s etc.). Activities need to return an error
and optionally one additional result, which again needs to be serializable.
Activites can be registered as plain func
s or as methods on a struct. The latter is useful if you want to provide some shared state to activities, for example, a database connection.
func Activity1(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
return a + b, nil
var b backend.Backend
w := worker.New(b)
And using a struct
type act struct {
SharedState int
func (a *act) Activity1(ctx context.Context, a, b int) (int, error) {
return a + b + act.SharedState, nil
func (a *act) Activity2(ctx context.Context, a int) (int, error) {
return a * act.SharedState, nil
var b backend.Backend
w := worker.New(b)
w.RegisterActivity(&act{SharedState: 12})
to call activities registered on a struct from a workflow:
// ...
var a *act
r1, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, a.Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
// handle error
// Output r1 = 47 + 12 (from the worker registration) = 59
on a client instance will start a new workflow instance. Pass options, a workflow to run, and any inputs.
wf, err := c.CreateWorkflowInstance(ctx, client.WorkflowInstanceOptions{
InstanceID: uuid.NewString(),
}, Workflow1, "input-for-workflow")
if err != nil {
Create a Client
instance then then call CancelWorkflow
to cancel a workflow. When a workflow is canceled, it's workflow context is canceled. Any subsequent calls to schedule activities or sub-workflows will immediately return an error, skipping their execution. Any activities already running when a workflow is canceled will still run to completion and their result will be available.
Sub-workflows will be canceled if their parent workflow is canceled.
var c client.Client
err = c.CancelWorkflowInstance(context.Background(), workflowInstance)
if err != nil {
panic("could not cancel workflow")
If you need to run any activities or make calls using workflow.Context
func Workflow2(ctx workflow.Context, msg string) (string, error) {
defer func() {
if errors.Is(ctx.Err(), workflow.Canceled) {
// Workflow was canceled. Get new context to perform any cleanup activities
ctx := workflow.NewDisconnectedContext(ctx)
// Execute the cleanup activity
if err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, ActivityCleanup).Get(ctx, nil); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not perform cleanup")
r1, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, ActivityCancel, 1, 2).Get(ctx)
if err != nil { // <---- Workflow is canceled while this activity is running
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get ActivityCancel result")
// r1 will contain the result of ActivityCancel
// ⬇ ActivitySkip will be skipped immediately
r2, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, ActivitySkip, 1, 2).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get ActivitySkip result")
return "some result", nil
From a workflow, call workflow.ExecuteActivity
to execute an activity. The call returns a Future[T]
you can await to get the result or any error it might return.
r1, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, Activity1, 35, 12, nil, "test").Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
panic("error getting activity 1 result")
Canceling activities is not supported at this time.
You can schedule timers to fire at any point in the future by calling workflow.ScheduleTimer
. It returns a Future
you can await to wait for the timer to fire.
t := workflow.ScheduleTimer(ctx, 2*time.Second)
err := t.Get(ctx, nil)
There is no explicit API to cancel timers. You can cancel a timer by creating a cancelable context, and canceling that:
tctx, cancel := workflow.WithCancel(ctx)
t := workflow.ScheduleTimer(tctx, 2*time.Second)
// Cancel the timer
Signals are a way to send a message to a workflow. You can send a signal to a workflow by calling workflow.Signal
and listen to them by creating a SignalChannel
via NewSignalChannel
// From outside the workflow:
c.SignalWorkflow(ctx, "<instance-id>", "signal-name", "value")
func Workflow(ctx workflow.Context) error {
// ...
signalCh := workflow.NewSignalChannel[string](ctx, "signal-name")
// Pause workflow until signal is received
workflow.Receive(, func(ctx workflow.Context, r string, ok bool) {
logger.Debug("Received signal:", r)
// Continue execution
Sometimes scheduling an activity is too much overhead for a simple side effect. For those scenarios you can use workflow.SideEffect
. You can pass a func which will be executed only once inline with its result being recorded in the history. Subsequent executions of the workflow will return the previously recorded result.
id, _ := workflow.SideEffect[string](ctx, func(ctx workflow.Context) string) {
return uuid.NewString()
Call workflow.CreateSubWorkflowInstance
to start a sub-workflow. The returned Future
will resolve once the sub-workflow has finished.
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context, msg string) error {
result, err := workflow.CreateSubWorkflowInstance[int]
ctx, workflow.SubWorkflowInstanceOptions{}, SubWorkflow, "some input").Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "could not get sub workflow result")
logger.Debug("Sub workflow result:", "result", result)
return nil
func SubWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context, msg string) (int, error) {
r1, err := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Wrap(err, "could not get activity result")
logger.Debug("A1 result:", "r1", r1)
return r1, nil
Similar to timer cancellation, you can pass a cancelable context to CreateSubWorkflowInstance
and cancel the sub-workflow that way. Reacting to the cancellation is the same as canceling a workflow via the Client
. See Canceling workflows for more details.
Due its non-deterministic behavior you must not use a select
statement in workflows. Instead you can use the provided workflow.Select
function. It blocks until one of the provided cases is ready. Cases are evaluated in the order passed to `Select.
var f1 workflow.Future[int]
var c workflow.Channel[int]
workflow.Await(f1, func (ctx workflow.Context, f Future[int]) {
r, err := f.Get(ctx)
// ...
workflow.Receive(c, func (ctx workflow.Context, v int, ok bool) {
// use v
workflow.Default(ctx, func (ctx workflow.Context) {
// ...
adds a case to wait for a Future to have a value
var f1, f2 workflow.Future[int]
workflow.Await(f1, func (ctx workflow.Context, f Future[int]) {
r, err := f.Get(ctx)
// ...
workflow.Await(f2, func (ctx workflow.Context, f Future[int]) {
r, err := f.Get(ctx)
// ...
adds a case to receive from a given channel
var c workflow.Channel[int]
workflow.Receive(c, func (ctx workflow.Context, v int, ok bool) {
// ...
A Default
case is executed if no previous case is ready and selected:
var f1 workflow.Future[int]
workflow.Await(f1, func (ctx workflow.Context, f Future[int]) {
r, err := f.Get(ctx, &r)
// ...
workflow.Default(ctx, func (ctx workflow.Context) {
// ...
go-workflows includes support for testing workflows, a simple example using mocked activities:
func TestWorkflow(t *testing.T) {
tester := tester.NewWorkflowTester[int](Workflow1)
// Mock two activities
tester.OnActivity(Activity1, mock.Anything, 35, 12).Return(47, nil)
tester.OnActivity(Activity2, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(12, nil)
// Run workflow with inputs
tester.Execute("Hello world")
// Workflows always run to completion, or time-out
require.True(t, tester.WorkflowFinished())
wr, werr := tester.WorkflowResult()
require.Equal(t, 59, wr)
require.Empty(t, werr)
// Ensure any expectations set for activity or sub-workflow mocks were met
- Timers are automatically fired by advancing a mock workflow clock that is used for testing workflows
- You can register callbacks to fire at specific times (in mock-clock time). Callbacks can send signals, cancel workflows etc.
For logging, you can pass a type to the backend via the WithLogger
option to set a custom logger. The type has to implement this simple interface:
type Logger interface {
Debug(msg string, fields ...interface{})
Warn(msg string, fields ...interface{})
Error(msg string, fields ...interface{})
Panic(msg string, fields ...interface{})
With(fields ...interface{}) Logger
If you don't pass a logger, a very simple, unoptimized default logger is used. For production use it is strongly recommended to pass another logger.
For logging in workflows, you can get a logger using
logger := workflow.Logger(ctx)
The returned logger
implements the Logger
interface, and already has the workflow instance and execution IDs set as default fields.
For logging in activities, you can get a logger using
logger := activity.Logger(ctx)
The returned logger
implements the Logger
interface, and already has the id of the activity, and the workflow instance and execution IDs set as default fields.
contains a simple golangci-lint based analyzer to spot common issues in workflow code.
For investigating workflows, the package includes a simple diagnostic web UI. You can serve it via:
m := http.NewServeMux()
m.Handle("/diag/", http.StripPrefix("/diag", diag.NewServeMux(b)))
go http.ListenAndServe(":3000", m)
It provides a simple paginated list of workflow instances:
And a way to inspect the history of a workflow instance:
For now this library is in a pre-release state. There are no guarantees given regarding breaking changes between (pre)-releases.
For now, I've intentionally left out versioning. Cadence, Temporal, and DTFx all support the concept of versions for workflows as well as activities. This is mostly required when you make changes to workflows and need to keep backwards compatibility with workflows that are being executed at the time of the upgrade.
Example: when you change a workflow from:
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context) {
r1, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A1 result:", r1)
r2, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity2).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A2 result:", r2)
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context) {
var r1 int
r1, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A1 result:", r1)
r3, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity3).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A3 result:", r3)
r2, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity2).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A2 result:", r2)
and you replay a workflow history that contains:
the workflow will encounter an attempt to execute Activity3
in-between event 2 and 3, for which there is no matching event. This is a non-recoverable error. The usual approach to solve is to version the workflows and every time you make a change to a workflow, you have to check that logic. For this example this could look like:
func Workflow1(ctx workflow.Context) {
r1, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity1, 35, 12).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A1 result:", r1)
if workflow.Version(ctx) >= 2 {
r3, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity(ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity3).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A3 result:", r3)
r2, _ := workflow.ExecuteActivity[int](ctx, workflow.DefaultActivityOptions, Activity2).Get(ctx)
log.Println("A2 result:", r2)
and only if a workflow instance was created with a version of >= 2
will Activity3
be executed. Older workflows are persisted with a version < 2
and will not execute Activity3
This kind of check is understandable for simple changes, but it becomes hard and a source of bugs for more complicated workflows. Therefore for now versioning is not supported and the guidance is to rely on side-by-side deployments. See also Azure's Durable Functions documentation for the same topic.
Both Temporal/Cadence and DTFx support ContinueAsNew
. This essentially re-starts a running workflow as a new workflow with a new event history. This is needed for long running workflows where the history can become very large, negatively affecting performance. While WorkflowInstance
supports an InstanceID
and an ExecutionID
, this feature is not yet implemented (and might not be).