JasonCubic / vue3-vite-app

a demo app

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vue 3 + Vite


  • yarn dev to work on a hmr version of the site
  • yarn build to build the dist folder files
  • yarn test to do component level testing
  • yarn preview:es to preview the hello world ES Modules
  • yarn preview:umd to preview the hello world UMD module

ES Modules

Universal Module Definition (UMD)

component testing

Testing is about input and output. In a test you supply an input, receive an output, and assert that the output is correct. The most common output of components is the rendered output—the stuff that render functions generate. ~ Testing Vue.js Applications - Edd Yerburgh


a demo app


Language:HTML 59.8%Language:JavaScript 21.3%Language:Vue 18.9%