English Version
- A program that used to recognize music, refer to the alogrithm of shazam.
- More information: here
- Envirment:VS2015+other 3rd party libraries in "./3rd_Party"
- I will rewrite this program a mouth later(about 2019.1)
Chinese Version
- 这是一个歌曲识别的程序,算法参考的是shazam算法
- 详细的信息,可以看我博客戳这里
- 环境主要就是VS2015,外加第三方的库,我都放在"./3rd_Party"这个文件夹里面了
- 过了快一年了,现在看起来代码有点糟糕,最近要准备毕业,一月份的时候,闲下来我会重写这部分
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