Jason-Chen-2017 / restfiddle

RESTFeel: 一个企业级的API管理&测试平台。RESTFeel帮助你设计、开发、测试您的API。 An Enterprise-grade API Management Platform for Teams. RESTFeel helps you design, develop, test and release APIs.

Home Page:http://www.restfiddle.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


RESTFeel: 一个企业级的API管理&测试平台。RESTFeel帮助你设计、开发、测试您的API。


  • 请求生成器-使HTTP请求轻松。
  • 请求树以树的形式组织请求。
  • 合作-添加团队成员,管理多个项目。
  • PDF报告-生成项目状态报告PDF格式。
  • 历史-查看历史/活动日志。
  • 自定义的时间间隔运行API项目。
  • SendGrid - SendGrid集成发送通知。
  • 云部署-它可以部署在任何服务器上,也可以用来作为一个基于云的托管Web应用程序。
  • 私人-安装在您的环境和完全拥有它。与你的团队一起在你的私人网络中工作。
  • 数据库-存储在您的数据库中的一切。
  • swagger API文档生成。
  • 标签-标签提供了一个有用的方式来组合相关的要求。
  • 安全,访问控制,通知机制等。



#MongoDB configuration:

Building From Source

  • JDK 7 or later

  • Maven 3.0+

  • Gradle 2.4 (Optional)

  • MongoDB 3.x

mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

The build file is configured to download and use an embedded Tomcat server. So the application should be up and running by using just two commands mentioned above. Once the server is started, the application can be accessed using http://localhost:8080.

Default login email / password : rf@example.com / rf
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=8000"

Note : To avoid java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space, use the following command:

MAVEN_OPTS="-XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" mvn spring-boot:run 

Go to src/main/resources/env-development.properties and update mongodb properties. Here is how the sample configuration looks like:





Steps to re-build the database:
1. Stop RESTFiddle server, if running.
2. Start MongoDB, if not running.
	Here is the command I use : "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath C:\Users\ANUJA\Documents\restfiddle\data
3. Connect to MongoDB.
	Here is one of the ways to connect to MongoDB : 
	Go to "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\bin" folder and run "mongo" command.
	Then run "use restfiddle" command and finally "db.dropDatabase()" command to delete the existing RESTFiddle database.
	Note : you will see following message on the command prompt : { "dropped" : "restfiddle", "ok" : 1 }
4. Start RESTFiddle application (mvn spring-boot:run) - This will create and initialize the database.
Steps to recover database:
Sometimes MongoDB doesn't start and shows message:
        old lock file: C:\Users\ANUJA\Documents\restfiddledata\data\mongod.lock. probably means unclean shutdown
Run repair operation to recover your database
	"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe" --dbpath C:\Users\ANUJA\Documents\restfiddledata\data --repair
Most likely, your data will be repaired with the --repair option. In case it doesn't, delete the mongod.lock file and then run the above --repair command.


####Step1.首先,切换到admin db (schema):

> use admin;
switched to db admin

####Step2.在該 schema 下面設置用戶名,密碼:

> db.createUser({ user: "root",pwd: "root",customData:{name:"root"},roles:[{ role: "userAdminAnyDatabase",db: "admin" }]})
Successfully added user: {
	"user" : "root",
	"customData" : {
		"name" : "root"
	"roles" : [
			"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
			"db" : "admin"
> db.auth('root','root')


var r = 
      "_id": "restfiddle.root",
      "user": "root",
      "db": "restfiddle",
      "credentials": {
        "SCRAM-SHA-1": {
          "iterationCount": 10000,
          "salt": "riZjwBYHvkcV99typ8BRMA==",
          "storedKey": "E2QOruLrBNXD1mlQTX0TQogL/ws=",
          "serverKey": "JEQhfa/5x7+aNzKrFvKRkctXXfQ="
      "roles": [
          "role": "dbOwner",
          "db": "restfiddle"
          "role": "read",
          "db": "restfiddle"
          "role": "readWrite",
          "db": "restfiddle"



use restfiddle


> use admin;
> db.system.users.find();

  "_id": "restfiddle.jason",
  "user": "jason",
  "db": "restfiddle",
  "credentials": {
    "SCRAM-SHA-1": {
      "iterationCount": 10000,
      "salt": "HZsutqbxGjKVkPcY4305FQ==",
      "storedKey": "bynL9UW9cIf0iPOLo9pGwCFz638=",
      "serverKey": "PRPKH+7dVaKDJ/JE+7ZjQUe3whA="
  "roles": [
      "role": "dbOwner",
      "db": "restfiddle"
      "role": "read",
      "db": "restfiddle"
      "role": "readWrite",
      "db": "restfiddle"

Fetched 4 record(s) in 9ms


《MongoDB极简教程》第一章 安装&环境配置

《MongoDB极简教程》第二章 MongoDB 基本命令

源自开源项目: RESTFiddle


Build Status

An Enterprise-grade API Management Platform for Teams. RESTFiddle helps you design, develop, test and release APIs.

Some of the key features of this platform are:

  • Request Builder - Make HTTP requests with ease.
  • Request Tree - Organize requests in the form of a tree.
  • Collaboration - Add as many collaborators as you want from your team and work together on a project.
  • PDF Reports - Generate project status reports in PDF format.
  • Integration - RESTFiddle platform exposes APIs for everything it has.
  • History - Unlimited history/activity log.
  • Scheduler - Run API projects on predefined time intervals.
  • SendGrid - SendGrid integration to send notifications.
  • Cloud Deployment - It can be deployed over any server and can also be used as a cloud based hosted web application.
  • Private - Install it in your environment and own it completely. Work together with your team in your private network.
  • Database - Store everything in your database.
  • Swagger - Access RESTFiddle API documentation using Swagger UI.
  • Tagging - Tags provide a useful way to group related requests together.
  • Open Source - Fork it and build the features of your choice.
  • More - Security, Access Control, Notifications and much more.

A lot of powerful features coming soon!

Who Uses RESTFiddle

The following is a list of companies and projects using RESTFiddle:

Want to be added to this section? Email me at contact at bootsimply dot com.

For Gradle Users:

Build war

Unix :

./gradlew clean war

Windows :

gradlew.bat clean war


Unix :

./gradlew bootRun

Windows :

gradlew.bat bootRun

Debugging in Windows : Add the following to build.gradle file and then run the above command

applicationDefaultJvmArgs = [

Using MongoDB 3.x


Download the latest MongoDB version. After kappa release, RESTFiddle has enabled authentication and moved to version 3.0. To start using this, create a configuration file mongo.conf at a location.e.g. F:\restfiddledata. Create mongo.log file for logging e.g. F:\restfiddledata\log\ This is how configuration file looks like:

bind_ip =
port = 27017
quiet = true
logappend = true

Start MongoDB without authentication.

"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongod.exe" --config F:\restfiddledata\mongo.conf  

On another command prompt go to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin and type command mongo. This opens Mongo Shell. Create user here.

use restfiddle

Now stop the database and restart it so that it checks for authentication

"C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin\mongod.exe" --auth --config F:\restfiddledata\mongo.conf

Start the RESTFiddle application using the same command as earlier

mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000"



You can deploy the war file to Tomcat 7.0.52, Jetty, or any other container, as long as it supports servlet 3.0.

Technology Stack


You're interested in contributing to RESTFiddle? AWESOME. Here are the basic steps:

Code formatting :
GitHub help :
Google Group :


Meetup Group :


Gitter :


Code Quality :





If you need help in setting up RESTFiddle for your Team/Organization, feel free to contact me at this email address.

Copyright and License

Copyright 2015 BootSimply Solutions

Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0


RESTFeel: 一个企业级的API管理&测试平台。RESTFeel帮助你设计、开发、测试您的API。 An Enterprise-grade API Management Platform for Teams. RESTFeel helps you design, develop, test and release APIs.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 46.7%Language:JavaScript 32.9%Language:CSS 20.3%Language:Shell 0.0%