The aim of the project is to create a bot that can play
The full coding process is streamed live on
Make sure to install both bot.user.js and launcher.user.js. If you don't mind having the code auto update itself though, you can simply get the loader.user.js without the other two.
#Honorable mention There are other people working on bots, you can check the forks, as well as GamerLio's Github which uses genetic algorithms:
#How to Install Web Tutorial
Created by - Install Tutorial. - Android Tutorial.
- Press 'R' if you want to toggle the line and dot drawing.
- Press 'T' if you want to use the manual controls.
- Press 'D' to toggle the dark mode.
- Press 'F' to toggle the show mass option.
- Press 'ESC' for the option menu.
#Bot creation!
It's really easy!
Just copy the code snippet found in the wiki: Bot creation using the Launcher
If you start working on a bot, make sure to start an issue and tell me about it so that I can add it to the bot list on Alternate Bots