Jarrodsz / livekit-record-minio

code to store and share livekit calls in a minio S3 service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo contains code for:

  1. Configuring a livekit egress server so that it saves recordings to a minio instance.
  2. Adding a simple inotify hook that will upload recordings to a nextcloud instance using webdav and share it with an arbitrary entity in Nextcloud (A talk conversation is used by default).

How to use

First, compile any of the two binaries that you think you're going to need:

go build ./cmd/livekit-minio
go build ./cmd/minio-hook


minio upload

The first binary you need to place in the box that you will use to control recordings. You might want to dockerize it and make it available from wherever your authentication app lives.

Edit the provided sample config:

cp livekit-minio-example.env .env

minio webdav hook

Here you might want to implement a different uploader, but one is provided for convenience.

On the folder/container where you want to run the inotify watcher, do:

cp mino-hook-example.env .env

The minio instance is local in this case; you need to provide also nextcloud credentials to do the webdav upload and the sharing with the destination group. by default, we're using a Talk ID, but this can be customized to your needs.


On the API server:

❯ ./livekit-minio

   ____    __
  / __/___/ /  ___
 / _// __/ _ \/ _ \
/___/\__/_//_/\___/ v3.3.10-dev
High performance, minimalist Go web framework
⇨ http server started on [::]:3000

On the minio vm:


Control start & stop

The control utility offers two endpoints. You need, obviously, to pass credentials to connect to your egress server. It expects two parameters:

  • the room name
  • the sharewith entity. this will be encoded in the filename, and later used to known with which nextcloud entity the audiobot needs to share the file.

An example will probably make it clearer. To start recording:

curl "localhost:3000/start?room=testroom&shareWith=a92tv9pf"

And to stop it:

curl "localhost:3000/stop?room=testroom

Please note that stopping the service will make it lose state (i.e., will lose any ongoing recording), since the live recordings are only persisted in memory so far.

Beware also that there's no authentication implemented in the control plane; it's up to you to check that the calls to make recordings are properly checked for ACLs and sanitized.

If you're using django, you might want to use django-livekit-api to schedule livekit rooms and to add permissions for joining and recording.

Minio installation & config

Follow instructions to install minio

wget https://dl.min.io/server/minio/release/linux-amd64/archive/minio_20231223071911.0.0_amd64.deb -O minio.deb
sudo dpkg -i minio.deb
  1. Make sure that the service is up and running, and create a bucket (livekit-uploads).
  2. Create access key (take note of the access key and secret).
  3. Create a policy for the bucket
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  1. Create user livekit and assign the livekit policy.


code to store and share livekit calls in a minio S3 service


Language:Go 100.0%