JaroslawPokropinski / node-gpgpu-examples

Examples of usage for node-gpgpu repository (stopped working on collab :( )

Repository from Github https://github.comJaroslawPokropinski/node-gpgpu-examplesRepository from Github https://github.comJaroslawPokropinski/node-gpgpu-examples

Node-gpgpu examples

This repository consists of usages of node-gpgpu library. To execute the examples in the colab change runtime type to GPU (Runtime -> Change runtime type -> GPU).


Open In Colab

Ray trace

Open In Colab

This example presents capabilities of the library by showing simple ray tracing on the gpu.


Examples of usage for node-gpgpu repository (stopped working on collab :( )


Language:TypeScript 84.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 15.9%