Jardaxion / gulp-gap-sass-browser

gulp starter template for creating static web pages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Starter gulp packages for static web-sites with pug, scss, ts


  1. Starting
  2. Commands
  3. Mixins
  4. Plugins


  1. Copy gulp template from git
git clone https://github.com/Jardaxion/gulp-gap-sass-browser.git .
  1. Install all npm dependencies
npm install


npm i
  1. Start gulp project
  1. At the end of the project, move the files in the deploy folder "dist"
gulp build

All start commands

git clone https://github.com/Jardaxion/gulp-gap-sass-browser.git .
npm install


git clone https://github.com/Jardaxion/gulp-gap-sass-browser.git .
npm install

The rest of the commands can be seen below


gulp - start liveserver
gulp build - build project in dist
gulp minBuild - build project in minDist with only minification files(min js and min css) + minification html
gulp zipBuild - archive build project in zip file



More detailed documentation and variable names can be found in the mixin files themselves(scss/scssOnly/mixins)

Mixins for position absolute

  1. backgroundImage - mixin for create img bg if img in html
  2. onAb - some on top of somethig; takes an argument in the form z-index(just number)
  3. absoluteCenter - horisontal and vertical center for absolute
  4. horCenterAbsol - horisontal center for absolute
  5. verCenterAbsol - vertical center for absolute
  6. TLa - top left abosulte; takes an argument in the form top(initially equal to 0) and left(initially equal to 0)
  7. TRa - top right absolute; the same as with TLa
  8. BLa - bottom left absolute; the same as with TLa
  9. BRa - bottom right absolute; the same as with TLa
  10. LRea - Left and right element positioning left and right absolute; argument in the form: class name for left element, px left, class name for right element and px right

Mixin for flex

  1. flex center - justify center and align-items center
  2. columns(Use on a div that will have columns) - External column; argument in the form: align-item(initially equal to center)
  3. column - The column itself; argument in the form: number of column(initially equal to 3); The number of columns is needed in order to divide 100% by it
  4. nav - Navbar with indented; argument in the form: class name - for margin-right a link(initially equal 'a'), margin right(initially equal 0)

Freqeuent mixins

  1. font - mixin for font; argument in the form: fontSize(initially equal to 16px), fontFamily(initially equal to '', if = '' then not use), color(initially equal to black), lineHeight(initially equal to 0, if = 0 then not use), fontWeight(initially equal to 0, if = 0 then not use)
  2. box - mixin for create box and rounded them; argument in the form: px - size of box; rounded - border-radius(initially equal to 0)
  3. transition - mixin for my standart: ease .3s all; argument in the form: type animation(initially equal to ease);

Mixins for display grid

  1. grid - display grid; argument in the form: gtc - number of colums(initially equal to 1), gtcw - size of one column(initially equal to 1fr), gap - gap(initially equal to 0), gtr - number of lines(optional parameter, initially equal to 0, if = 0 then not use)
  2. grudCol - grid item; colStar - column start; colEnd - column end; rowStart - row start; rowEnd - row end;

Mixins for margin

  1. mVC - vertical margin center
  2. mHC - horisontal margin center
  3. mC - margin center

Mixins for UI

Large material, which is not used anywhere, it is better to read about it inside the files


title - mixin for create title(p tag); argument in the form: title - title text, className - class for Bam(add '__title' in end)



gulp-sass - conventer scss
gulp-gup - conveter pug
gulp-typescript - conveter typescript

Plugins for files

gulp-concat - concat files
gulp-uglify-es - minification files
gulp-sourcemaps - sourcemaps
gulp-htmlmin - minification html
gulp-csscomb - beatifule css


gulp-autoprefixer - crossbrowser for css
browser-sync - liveserver and reload on rewrite files


gulp-plumber - normal error in console
gulp-notify - error in OS alert
gulp-zip - archive files


gulp starter template for creating static web pages


Language:SCSS 56.4%Language:JavaScript 29.4%Language:HTML 9.6%Language:Pug 4.4%Language:TypeScript 0.2%