JarbasHiveMind / HiveMind-voice-sat

OpenVoiceOS Voice Satellite

Repository from Github https://github.comJarbasHiveMind/HiveMind-voice-satRepository from Github https://github.comJarbasHiveMind/HiveMind-voice-sat

HiveMind Voice Satellite

OpenVoiceOS Satellite, connect to HiveMind

NOTE: if you can't run TTS and STT locally, use HiveMind-voice-relay instead


Install with pip

$ pip install HiveMind-voice-sat


Usage: hivemind-voice-sat [OPTIONS]

  connect to HiveMind

  --host TEXT      hivemind host
  --key TEXT       Access Key
  --password TEXT  Password for key derivation
  --port INTEGER   HiveMind port number
  --selfsigned     accept self signed certificates
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Voice satellite is built on top of ovos-listener and ovos-audio, it uses the same OpenVoiceOS configuration ~/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf

Supported plugins:

Plugin Type Description Required Link
Microphone Captures voice input Yes Microphone
VAD Voice Activity Detection Yes VAD
WakeWord Detects wake words for interaction Yes* WakeWord
STT speech-to-text (STT) Yes STT
TTS text-to-speech (TTS) Yes TTS
G2P grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P), used to simulate mouth movements No G2P
Media Playback Plugins Enables media playback (e.g., "play Metallica") No Media Playback Plugins
OCP Plugins Provides playback support for URLs (e.g., YouTube) No OCP Plugins
Audio Transformers Processes audio before speech-to-text (STT) No Audio Transformers
Dialog Transformers Processes text before text-to-speech (TTS) No Dialog Transformers
TTS Transformers Processes audio after text-to-speech (TTS) No TTS Transformers
PHAL Provides platform-specific support (e.g., Mark 1) No PHAL


OpenVoiceOS Voice Satellite

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%