JapSeyz / dot-console

DotKernel component to build console applications based on zf-console

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DotKernel component to build console applications based on zf-console


  • PHP >= 7.1
  • zendframework/zend-servicemanager >= 3.3,
  • zfcampus/zf-console >= 1.3


Run the following command in your project root directory

$ composer require dotkernel/dot-console

Next, register the package's ConfigProvider to your application config. If can also manually register the package's dependencies in your container. There is only one dependency that need to be registered Dot\Console\Factory\ApplicationFactory that should be used to create an ZF\Console\Application object used to bootstrap the app.

Configuration and Usage

You should create a bootstrap file in your project, similar to index.php, that will be called from the command line to start console commands. We advise you to create a bin folder in your project's root folder. Here you can create a console.php file with the following content.

 * Console application bootstrap file
use ZF\Console\Application;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

 * Self-called anonymous function that creates its own scope and keep the global namespace clean.
call_user_func(function () {
    /** @var \Interop\Container\ContainerInterface $container */
    $container = require 'config/container.php';

    /** @var Application $app */
    $app = $container->get(Application::class);

    $exit = $app->run();

This assumes you are using one of our web starter applications or a Zend Expressive similarly structured application. Next you can go to the command line and call console commands

$ php bin/console.php <command_name> <parameters>

You can try some of the provided out-of-the box commands

$ php bin/console.php help

Creating commands

dot-console is mainly a wrapper around zf-console. You should check their full documentation before. Why a wrapper?

  • it allows us to extend the original package if we need
  • we can simplify some things

The first thing this package offers, is the ZF\Console\Application factory that creates a package using the configuration array provided at dot_console key. An console application needs a name, version, route configuration, console instance and dispatcher. You can provide a configuration file for the console application in the following format

return [
    'dot_console' => [
        'name' => 'Console Name',
        'version' => '1.0.0',

        'commands' => [

The second is an abstract class that you commands should extend. This class forces the __invoke method with the proper parameter definition that defines console commands. Commands must be invokable classes with the following signature

public function __invoke(Route $route, AdapterInterface $console)

Command classes are pulled from the container, so you might inject your commands with dependencies.

'Hello Word!' command example

Create HelloCommand class

use Dot\Console\Command\AbstractCommand;
use Zend\Console\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use ZF\Console\Route;

class HelloCommand extends AbstractCommand
     * @param Route $route
     * @param AdapterInterface $console
     * @return int
    public function __invoke(Route $route, AdapterInterface $console)
        $console->writeLine('Hello World Command');
        return 0;

Next, register this class in your container as a dependency.

Add command to config

Update the console configuration to include this command

'commands' => [
        'name' => 'hello',
        'description' => 'Hello, World! command example',
        'handler' => HelloCommand::class,

Testing command

In comand line, go to project root directory and type folowing command

$ php ./bin/console.php hello

For a complete documentation you can follow zf-console. Anything there related to commands are applicable to this package too.




DotKernel component to build console applications based on zf-console

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%