JaniceZhao / Chinese-Forum-Corpus

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Dateset Description

Chiphell is a web portal where netizens share their views to news and discuss within groupuscule. We have collected discussion forums from several subjects, such as computer hardware, motors and clothes. There are more than 50 thousand discussions in the corpus. Similar with the DouBan DuShu corpus, most of the sentences collected from Chiphell are informal Chinese and some of them are in special domains.

An example from each subject is shown in the following table:

Subject Topic Example
News 美机场航空业希望修改客机降落的Emoji表情:机头朝下不吉利 那我还说改完的意思是无限复飞呢,飞到没油不又gg了
Computer Hardware 请问现在大船货除开3610还有其他性价比的大船大容量吗 我1T的PM1633。。卖1300都木有人接
Mobile Phones 努比亚X 综合讨论帖 MIX3辣鸡被友商各种吊打
Clothes 程序媛的皮艺生活 花点时间在复杂又感兴趣的事情上是一件快乐又有成就感的体验

Data Format

  1. in json format
  2. each file is a topic
  3. each directory is a subject

Terms of Use:

  1. Respect the privacy of personal information of the original source
  2. The original copyright of all the data belongs to writers of the reviews and DouBan
  3. The dataset is only for study and research purposes. Without permission, it may not be used for any commercial purposes
  4. Redistribution is NOT allowed
  5. Some items must be deleted if the copyright owners claim
  6. If you want to use the dataset for depth study, please cite this paper:
  title={LSICC: A Large Scale Informal Chinese Corpus},
  author={Zhao, Jianyu and Ji, Zhuoran},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.10167},

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