Mohammad-Jamil-Uddin (Jamil2914)


Geek Repo

Location:Chattogram, Bangladesh

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mohammad-Jamil-Uddin's repositories


Here in this repository, I've attached the queries I've written on the basis of given problems. Both the problems and queries are stated inside the text files. Along with these, I've also attached my lecture notes(Lectures by - Barshon Sen-Faculty Member,CSE,RUET) which is basically written in Bangla and English languages. Hope this may help you!!!

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This is a notebook written in Python 3 which basically shows that how a beginner can work with Titanic Dataset.

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This is a repository containing the codes I have written while completing my undergraduate sessional course CSE-4204(sessional based on Neural Networks & Fuzzy Systems)

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