JamesWilmot / AwesomeWMColumnsLayout

Awesome WM layout columns layout with arbitrary number of columns.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

/* Author: James Wilmot
 * Date: March 2014 */

 * Introduction
 * Installation
 * Roadmap
 * Maintainers

This layout is an attempt to efficiently utilise horizontal screen space in the
Awesome WM window manager. Targets widescreen monitors especially. 

Layout divides screen space (working area) into equal width columns. The clients
(windows in the current screen) are divided equally into those columns with
equal horizontal space for each client in a column. If there are remainder
clients (ie clients modulo number columns is not equal to zero: 10 clients in 3
columns), these clients are added one-by-one to the rightmost columns until
there are no more remainder clients. 

Corner behaviour: if there are less clients than columns ie in three column
mode, the layout will change such that the number of columns equals the number
of clients. Minimises wasted horizontal space.   

Layout currently has two modes: two and three columns. Infinitely
expandable to arbitrary number of columns.     

Currently in alpha so if using this layout blows up in your face I am in no way
responsible! You have been warned! :P

Note: <install dir> refers to the Awesome WM install directory. On Ubuntu 12.04
this is /usr/share/awesome.

 * copy 'columns.lua' file into '<install dir>/lib/awful/layout/suit'
 * open '<install dir>/lib/awful/layout/suit/init.lua'
    - add 'require("awful.layout.suit.columns")'
 * copy 'default/threecolsw.png' and 'default/twocolsw.png' into:
    '<install dir>/themes/default/layouts'
 * open '<install dir>/themes/default/theme.lua'
    - find 'theme.layout_*' near bottom of file
    - add: 
    'theme.layout_twocols = "<install dir>/themes/default/layouts/twocolsw.png"' 
    'theme.layout_threecols = "<install dir>/themes/default/layouts/threecolsw.png"' 
 * add layout to '~/.config/awesome/rc.lua':
    - find 'layouts' definition
    - add:

 * include in default Awesome WM installation
 * layout icons for all included themes
 * ability to resize master window 

 * James Wilmot <james@an.isotropic.me>


Awesome WM layout columns layout with arbitrary number of columns.


Language:Lua 100.0%