JamesTeague / bluebeam-punchlist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bluebeam Punchlist Project



  • yarn
  • node

Install dependencies

$ yarn install

Build and run the project

$ yarn start

Build documentation

$ yarn docs

The documentation will be in the docs folder in each package. The flow annotations should serve as documentation as well.

Due to time constraints on my end, I had to trade unit tests and production level documentation. There is no database but instead a map in memory. Because of this, I was not able to actually separate reads and writes the way I would have preferred. This would help in scaling if that was ever a concern.

I also left out allowing clients to be able to create projects and users. Instead they were seeded into the maps. There are repository layers that deal directly with the maps as if they were databases. Then on top of that are service layers that would handle business logic and delegate the database work to the repo layer. The API accepts GraphQL requests and responds with JSON in the standard GQL format.

Adding the endpoints to allow for creation of users and projects ultimately should not be that difficult to add.

Example request to get Punch Items:

query getPunchList {
  getPunchListByProjectId(projectId: "d3f83c2d-28f4-4747-b681-8ee433646b63") {
    project {
    assignee {

The above is a very basic query to get information but other parameters you can add include:

  • status - To filter by status
  • assigneeId - to filter by assignee
  • skip - number of records to skip (paging, essentially)
  • limit - number of records to return (page size)

The parameters are additive, meaning, if you used all of them you used parameters like

skip: 5
limit: 5
status: OPEN
assigneeId: "feed-beef"

you should expect that you would get all open items assigned to that user, and skip the first 5. If there are 5 or fewer you should expect an empty array.

Should you desire to see more data added to try to test the limits of what I was able to do in the amount of time I had, there is a mutation to add items.

mutation createPunchItem {
    createPunchItem(projectId: "d3f83c2d-28f4-4747-b681-8ee433646b63", subject: "test2", status: IN_PROGRESS) {

Add or change assignee on an item

    mutation updatePunchItem {
        updatePunchItemAssignee(id: "1c7acf8d-c2cf-46f4-a417-557bb2371563",  assigneeId: "dca26e16-264b-45ed-bb35-6d48090f0f4b" ) {

Change status on an item

    mutation updatePunchItem {
        updatePunchItemStatus(id: "1c7acf8d-c2cf-46f4-a417-557bb2371563",  status: IN_PROGRESS ) {

Valid project ids are

  • "cb712199-7a51-4d2f-a9ea-ab3f86353028"
  • "d3f83c2d-28f4-4747-b681-8ee433646b63"

Valid assignee ids are

  • "dca26e16-264b-45ed-bb35-6d48090f0f4b"
  • "d3879060-b953-4d82-a38d-6037d5409af8"

Valid statuses are

  • OPEN

Please contact me with questions. I will be happy to answer any inquiry you may have.



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