JamesRamm / plume

Making it easier to create MongoDB & Falcon web apps

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A library to help you make Falcon web apps backed by MongoDB.


  • Simple interface to MongoDB using marshmallow schemas. This allows a single document definition which also provides serialization and validation
  • Easy filtering/projection of documents per request
  • Useful extra fields for Schemas (Choice, Slug, MongoId, Password...)
  • Standard Resource classes for creating a full CRUD JSON API for REST collections and items.
  • Resource classes for generic file uploads. They can be configured to use different storage backends, and validate different content types


The following example creates a basic JSON API for a representation of a user.

from datetime import datetime
from plume import create_app, schema, Collection, Item
from plume.connection import connect
from plume.fields import Slug
from marshmallow import fields, Schema

class UserSchema(schema.MongoSchema):
    name = fields.Str(required=True)
    email = fields.Email(required=True)
    created = fields.DateTime(
            missing=lambda: datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
            default=lambda: datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
    profile = fields.Nested("ProfileSchema")
    slug = Slug(populate_from='name')

class ProfileSchema(Schema):
    """Example of nesting a schema.
    In mongodb, this will be a nested document
    biography = fields.Str()
    profile_image = fields.Url(load_from='profileImage', dump_to='profileImage')

def get_app(database_name='myapp')
    """Creates the falcon app.
    We pass the database name so we can use a different db for testing
    # Connect to the database *before* making schema instance.
    # The ``connect`` function takes the same arguments as pymongo's
    # ``MongoClient``. Here we connect to localhost.
    user = UserSchema()
    resources = (Collection(user, '/users'), Item(user, '/users/{email}'))
    return create_app(resources)

Name this file app.py and run it with gunicorn:

gunicorn 'app:get_app()'


Plume intends to be a light and transparent library. It should compliment and enhance Falcon & MongoDB usage but not get in the way of custom development. To this end I have a small number of rules:

  • No magic. Like falcon itself, it should be easy to follow inputs to outputs. To this end we have a few soft rules such as:
    • Avoid mixins. Mixins introduce implicit dependencies and make it harder to reason about code.
    • Don't mess with metaclasses and double underscore methods without good reason. There is often an easier, clearer way to achieve the same result.
  • No reinvention. We try to use well proven existing solutions before rolling our own. Hence the use of marshmallow for the ORM/serialization framework.
  • No hijacking. Plume is complimentary or an 'add-on' to Falcon. It does not replace direct usage of Falcon (what you might expect from a framework). It solves some common use cases and provides some useful tools. When you want to do something unsupported and go direct to falcon, it doesnt get in your way.


Making it easier to create MongoDB & Falcon web apps



Language:Python 95.7%Language:Makefile 4.3%