JamesMoulang / electron-vite-template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project is designed as a starting point for a Steam game running on Electron from development to distribution. Just clone it, add your game files, and start working.

  • steamworks.js for Steamworks SDK
  • Notarisation on macOS
  • Vite for dev server and bundling assets
  • electron-builder to package as an app and notarise for macOS
  • Script to upload to Steam

Read the notes I made while setting this up here

Structure of this project

├── scripts
├── production    // electron app, steam integration
|   ├── main.js                 // electron main process, talks to renderer process with IPC
|   ├── steam_manager.js        // <-> steamworks.js <-> Steamworks SDK
|   └── save_manager.js         // edits local files
└── development   // game files, served/built by vite
    ├── public/game-assets    // images/audio/etc.
    ├── index.html            // main game html page
    └── src                   // scripts

alt text

Typical workflow

  1. Clone and rename with git clone https://github.com/JamesMoulang/electron-vite-template.git newname
  2. Run yarn appi to update appBundleId savefilename and name in production/package.json
  3. Update app icons in production/build_assets
  4. Set up environment variables: export STEAM_PASSWORD=password STEAM_ACCOUNT APPLE_ID APPLE_ID_PASSWORD
  5. Add game development assets in development
  6. Run yarn install_all to install node modules in root, production, and development
  7. yarn dev -> yarn build -> yarn start -> yarn dist to go from development, to building static assets, to testing a local electron app, to packaging a distributable.

Individual commands

Command Description
appi Initialise some values in production/package.json
install_all Run yarn install in root, production, and development
dev Run a dev server to host the contents of development
build Build the contents of development and copy into production
preview Preview the static-asset version of the game in development/dist
start Run the electron app locally (without building a distributable)
bs Run build and run start immediately afterwards
dist Build a distributable electron app and notarise on macOS
dist_final Same as dist but with dev tools disabled
copy_built Copy from development/dist into production
build_no_copy Build without copying into production
install_steamcmd_osx Install steamcmd in the root directory
steam_mac Upload game files to steam using the config in scripts/steam_build_mac_os.vdf


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 74.7%Language:HTML 24.6%Language:CSS 0.7%