JamesMcGuigan / kaggle-digit-recognizer


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Kaggle Competition - MNIST Digit Recognizer

Learn computer vision fundamentals with the famous MNIST data

Installation Instructions: README_CUDA.md


  • Score: 0.99657 | Rank: ??? /2500 | ./submissions/fastai-resnet18-u100.csv - fastai: resnet18 + fit_one_cycle(50, 5e-2)
  • Score: 0.71128 | Rank: 2194/2269 | ./submissions/keras.csv - first attempt
  • Score: 0.09671 | Rank: 2487/2500 | ./submissions/random.csv


csv2png: Image Generation

kaggle competitions download -c digit-recognizer -p ./data/
unzip data/digit-recognizer.zip -d data
node --experimental-modules src/utils/csv2png.js
# kaggle competitions submit -c digit-recognizer -f submissions/submission.csv -m "message"

Converts the CSV data into a filesystem directory tree of png images for better visibility and debugging, as well as for compatibility purposes with fastai ImageDataBunch


  • This is a slower (IO bound) method compared to accessing raw numeric CSV data.
  • Dropbox crashes when trying to sync 2,016,000 individual files


Random Guess Method

node --experimental-modules  src/random/random.js 
wrote: ./submissions/random.csv
Accuracy = 2846/28000 = 10.16%

The random guess method provides a statistical noise baseline, which as expected averages around 10% accuracy

FastAI Jupyter Notebooks

node ./preprocessing/csv2png.js 
jupyter lab  # 1_fastai-transfer-learning.ipynb

This method utilizes CNN resnet18 with transfer learning and currently produces the best state-of-the-art results, with a top score of 0.99657


Keras is a lower level library than fastai.

Keras Example Code - MNIST CNN

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=""   # run with CPU instead of GPU
PYTHONPATH='.'            # needed for running local code 
time -p python3 src/examples/keras/keras_example_mnist_cnn.py 
Test loss: 0.6942943648338318
Test accuracy: 0.8384

Initial benchmark implementation works as a proof of concept. Documentation code claims 99.25% test accuracy after 12 epochs, but running the code locally only produces a score of 83.84%


  • keras + Adadelta
    • 2011 MacbookPro CPU (i7 x 4 @ 2.4GHz) = 89s/epoc = 1.5ms/sample = 1070s
    • 2017 Razer CPU (i7-7700HQ x 4 @ 3.8GHz) = 36s/epoc = 605us/sample = 443s ( 2.4x improvement over OSX)
    • GeForce GTX 1060 GPU = 5s/epoc = 85us/sample = 66s (6.7x improvement over CPU)
  • tf.keras + rmsprop
    • 2020 Apple M1 GPU = 18s/epoc = 38us/sample = 213s (3.2x slower than GTX 1060 | 2x faster than Razer i7)

Tensorflow Keras Example Syntax

python3 src/examples/tensorflow/main.py

Working examples of Keras syntax: SequentialCNN, FunctionalCNN, ClassCNN, ClassNN

Convergence Search

Best Discovered Hyperparameter Combinations (with simple SequentialCNN)

"optimizer": hp.Discrete([
    ### learning_rate vs optimizer + scheduler=constant | quickly converges with low learning_rate=0.001
    "Adam",      # LR=0.1   + CyclicLR (else breaks) || LR=0.01 + constant/plateau2/linear_decay
    "Adamax",    # LR<=0.1
    "Nadam",     # LR=0.1   + CyclicLR (else breaks) || LR=0.01 + plateau2 / CyclicLR / linear_decay || LR=0.001 + constant
    "RMSprop",   # LR=0.001 + constant || LR=0.01 + CyclicLR/plateau2/constant/linear_decay || LR=0.1 + CyclicLR (else breaks)
    ### learning_rate vs optimizer + scheduler=constant | needs high starting learning_rate=0.1 to quickly converge - may benefit from scheduler
    "Adadelta",  # Best with LR=1   + plateau2 (quick)
    "Adagrad",   # Best with LR=0.1 + triangular (slow/best) or plateau2 (quick)
    "SGD",       # Best with LR=1   + triangular2
    ### learning_rate vs optimizer + scheduler=constant | needs learning_rate=0.1 | random until 16 epocs, then quickly converges
    "Ftrl",      # Only works with: LR=0.1 + plateau2/constant OR LR=1 + CyclicLR_triangular
"learning_rate": hp.Discrete([
    1.0,           # Works with: Adadelta + SGD/triangular2 + Adagrad/CyclicLR + Ftrl/triangular (breaks everything else)
    0.1,           # Adamax + Adam/Nadam/RMSprop with CyclicLR || Adagrad + triangular/plateau2
    0.01,          # Adamax + Adam/Nadam/RMSprop with CyclicLR/plateau2/constant/linear_decay
    # 0.001,       # ALL + constant
"min_lr": hp.Discrete([
    0.001,    # 1e-03 (0.001)   - fastest, least overfitting and most accidental high-scores with enough random attempts
    0.00001,  # 1e-05 (0.00001) - preferred by SGD

Shortlist of Optimised Schedulers (with simple SequentialCNN)

"optimized_scheduler": {
    "Adagrad_triangular": { "learning_rate": 0.1,    "optimizer": "Adagrad",  "scheduler": "CyclicLR_triangular"  },
    "Adagrad_plateau":    { "learning_rate": 0.1,    "optimizer": "Adagrad",  "scheduler": "plateau2"      },
    "Adam_triangular2":   { "learning_rate": 0.01,   "optimizer": "Adam",     "scheduler": "CyclicLR_triangular2" },
    "Nadam_plateau":      { "learning_rate": 0.01,   "optimizer": "Nadam",    "scheduler": "plateau_sqrt"  },
    "Adadelta_plateau":   { "learning_rate": 1.0,    "optimizer": "Adadelta", "scheduler": "plateau10"     },
    "SGD_triangular2":    { "learning_rate": 1.0,    "optimizer": "SGD",      "scheduler": "CyclicLR_triangular2" },
    "RMSprop_constant":   { "learning_rate": 0.001,  "optimizer": "RMSprop",  "scheduler": "constant"      },

Failed Attempts

Google Cloud OCR - Broken

This was intended as a cheat method, map the csv data back into pngs, then use the Google Vision API to conduct OCR

Doesn't seem to work!


node ./preprocessing/csv2png.js 
gsutil -m cp -r data/images/ gs://kaggle-digit-recognizer/




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