JamesMcGuigan / infographic-generator

2015: A website for custom generating infographics

Home Page:http://infographic.jamesmcguigan.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Infographic Generator

Proof of concept demonstration for generating custom infographics, built in javascript using node.js, angular.js, d3.js and GraphicsMagick.


sudo mkdir /var/log/node/;
chmod a+rw /var/log/node/;
sudo apt install nodejs ruby-dev ruby-rubygems graphicsmagick 
sudo gem install compass

git clone git@github.com:JamesMcGuigan/infographic-generator.git
cd infographic-generator
npm install  # will also download bower dependencies and compile the client side browserify.js file
npm start    # runs nodemon and compass for development

# For production deployment
npm run production  # compiles minified js/css into ./production/
node InfographicGenerator.js NODE_ENV=production PORT_HTTP=3012 PORT_HTTPS=3013

Then open up the following localhost url http://localhost:4000/

See package.json for a list of other project npm scripts

Puppet configuration

Demo server deployment is managed via puppet using the following project:

Project Layout

Infographic JSON Configuration Spec

Sample Configuration Files:

Sample Defaults Files:

Sample Data Files:

The JSON configuration file starts with a root "type":"svg" element, followed by an array of "children" elements. The code will auto-convert between arrays and objects as needed.

Any property name can be suffixed with URL to load data from a remote url, ie "defaults" -> "defaultsURL"


  • "defaults": this hash is organized by type, and inherits down the tree. It provides defaults options that can be overridden in children elements.
  • "title": this property on the "svg" root node is shown in the file listings dialog
  • "label": this property is just a human readable string for easily identifying elements
  • "type": "svg"|"image"|"rect"|"text"|"chart" - creates a SVG element of the same name, "chart" will render a custom d3.js SVG object
  • "attr": this property exposes the raw SVG attributes for each element - either read the book "SVG Essentials" or see the the full technical SVG spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/
  • "attr": { x: 0, y: 0, height: "100px", width: "100px", "xlink:href": , "font-size": "24px", "line-height": "24px", "fill": "black", "fill-opacity": 0.5 } - these are the most common and useful attributes
  • "align": "Top|Middle|Bottom" + "Left|Center|Right" -
  • "margin": custom property which adds some additional xy spacing when used with "align"
  • "content": for "type":"text" objects only, provides the content for the string
  • "children" [{},{},{},...] of child nodes to be rendered relative to the parent xy and height|width

Chart Specific Options

  • "chart": currently only "BarChart"|"DonutChart"|"DotChart" - which type of chart to draw
  • "data"|"dataURL": provides configuration data for the chart, typically: { "values": { "field": value, ... }, "colors": { "field": color, ... } }
  • "options": "DonutChart" only { "borderRadius": 20, "highlightRadius": 10, "highlight": { "outside": "white" } }

Text Interpolation

  • "content" strings can be include "#{values.outside} / #{stats.total}" using dot separated notation
  • "#{values.field}" reads values from "data.values"
  • "#{colors.field}" reads values from "data.colors"
  • "#{stats.length}" number of entries in data.values
  • "#{stats.max}" maximum number in data.values
  • "#{stats.min}" minimum number in data.values
  • "#{stats.total}" sum of numbers in data.values
  • "#{stats.percent.field}" percentage string (ie "85%") calculated using: values.field / stats.total
  • "#{stats.factor.value}" number of times each individual string/number value was encountered
  • #{stats.colors.factor.white} number of "white" entries in data.colors


The JSON configuration file needs to be syntactically valid, which mostly means quoting "key": "value" (except raw numbers) and making sure commas are in the correct places (after every item in a list, except the last)


  • JSON configuration files are currently saved only to the filesystem, this made life easier for development. It would be relatively easy to add in MongoDB support.

  • There is currently no way of editing the /data/sources/*.json via the web interface, but you can always switch from "dataURL" to "data" for inline editing

  • In theory a custom AJAX interface could be created for editing this configuration file could be created, but learning JSON and SVG attributes is fairly easy

  • BUG: the positioning of "children" inside "type":"chart" entries is currently buggy


2015: A website for custom generating infographics


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 76.9%Language:Shell 9.9%Language:CSS 6.0%Language:SCSS 2.8%Language:HTML 2.7%Language:Ruby 1.6%