JamesKhoury / jekyll-blog-comments

Azure Function to receive new blog comment forms and create a pull request for each.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Jekyll Blog Comments Azure Function

An Azure Function App that receives comment form posts and creates a pull request against your GitHub repository as part of the jekyll-blog-comments system.

The app includes just one function:

  • PostComment - receives form POST submission and creates a PR to add the comment to your Jekyll site


To set this up, you'll need to have an Azure Portal account.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create an Azure function.
  3. Set up your function to deploy from GitHub. Point it to your fork of this repository.
  4. Set up the following App Settings for your Azure Function App.
Setting Value
PullRequestRepository owner/name of the repository that houses your Jekyll site for pull requests to be created against. For example, haacked/haacked.com will post to https://github.com/haacked/haacked.com
GitHubToken A GitHub personal access token with access to edit your target repository.
CommentWebsiteUrl The URL to the website that hosts the comments. This is used to make sure the correct site is posting comments to the receiver.


Azure Function to receive new blog comment forms and create a pull request for each.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%