JamesIves / discord-webhooks

๐Ÿ”— ๐ŸPython module which allows for easy sending of webhooks to a Discord server.

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Discord Webhooks for Python ๐Ÿ”— ๐Ÿ

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Simple module for Python which allows for sending of webhooks to a Discord server.

Installation Steps ๐Ÿ’ฝ

The Discord-Webhooks module can be installed into your project via Pip.

$ pip install Discord-Webhooks

Getting Started โœˆ๏ธ

Import the package into your project and initialize it to get started. You must pass the webhook URL you obtained from your Discord channel in as the argument.

from discord_webhooks import DiscordWebhooks

# Webhook URL for your Discord channel.
WEBHOOK_URL = 'http://discord.gg/...'

# Initialize the webhook class and attaches data.
webhook = DiscordWebhooks(WEBHOOK_URL)

# Sets some content for a basic message.

# Triggers the payload to be sent to Discord.

If you'd like to send a message attachment you can do so.

from discord_webhooks import DiscordWebhooks

# Webhook URL for your Discord channel.
WEBHOOK_URL = 'http://discord.gg/...'

webhook = DiscordWebhooks(WEBHOOK_URL)

webhook.set_content(content='The best cat ever is...', title='Montezuma!', description='Seriously!', \
  url='http://github.com/JamesIves', color=0xF58CBA, timestamp='2018-11-09T04:10:42.039Z')

# Attaches an image

# Attaches a thumbnail

# Attaches an author
webhook.set_author(name='James Ives', url='https://jamesiv.es', icon_url='https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/10888441?s=460&v=4')

# Attaches a footer
webhook.set_footer(text='Footer', icon_url='https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/10888441?s=460&v=4')

# Appends a field
webhook.add_field(name='Field', value='Value!')


Methods ๐Ÿ“ก

You can find an explanation of all available methods below.


The set_content method can be used to send basic messages to Discord.

Argument Description Type
content Content represents a standard message on Discord. String
title Displays a title on an message attachment. String
description Displays a description on an message attachment. String
url Creates a link on the title. String
color Displays a colored strip on the left side of an message attachment. This should be a hexademical value, for example 0xF58CBA. Integer
timestamp Displays a timestamp beneath the message attachment. Must be a valid timestamp, consider using Python's datetime to achieve localtime. String


Using set_author you're able to attach an author to an message attachment.

Argument Description Type
name The name of the author. String
url Creates a link on the author name. String
icon_url Displays an author icon, must resolve to a valid image path. String


Using set_footer you're able to attach a footer to an message attachment.

Argument Description Type
text The text that should display in the footer. String
icon_url Displays a footer icon, must resolve to a valid image path. String


Using set_thumbnail you're able to attach a thumbnail to a message attachment.

Argument Description Type
url Displays a thumbnail image in the message attachment String


Using set_image you're able to attach an image to a message attachment.

Argument Description Type
url Displays an image in the message attachment String


Using add_field you're able to attach a field to a message attachment. You can add as many fields as you want.

Argument Description Type
name The name of the field. String
value The value of the field. String
inline Determines if the field should display inline or not, this is primarily used for formatting when you have multiple fields. Boolean


When you're done formatting your message attachment you can use the send method to dispatch it to Discord.


๐Ÿ”— ๐ŸPython module which allows for easy sending of webhooks to a Discord server.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%