JamesHagerman / i3-config

My i3wm configurations

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This is a config files of my tuned developper desktop environment based on i3. Focused on performance, lightweight and efficiency. Thunar for file manager, urxvt for temrminal, conky, dropbox and some other awsome stuff. I currently run it on Arch Linux but also work on other distributions in difference of package names.


Clone the config

git clone https://github.com/j-san/i3-config.git ~/.i3

And install i3 and following packages. After that, reboot.

i3 desktop

i3 i3lock i3status synapse dunst feh conky conky-lua
bash-completion xss-lock (AUR)

Login manager



rxvt-unicode urxvt-perls

Laptop stuff


File manager

thunar thunar-volman thunar-dropbox
udiskie udisks2 ntfs-3g dropbox file-roller
gvfs gvfs-smb gvfs-afp gvfs-afc sshfs


meld sublime-text git mercurial dia pencil gnumeric libreoffice
evolution evolution-exchange dnsutils
aspell aspell-en aspell-{your language}

Media and Sounds

smplayer amarok firefox flashplugins
gstreamer gst-libav gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gst-plugins-bad
gstreamer0.10-base-plugins gstreamer0.10-good-plugins gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins
# taglib taglib-extras celt xvidcore ffmpeg
echo -e "\nsource ~/.i3/bashrc" >> ~/.bashrc

xdg-mime default Thunar-folder-handler.desktop inode/directory


Mod is the Windows or Mac button.

Shortcut Action
Mod + d Start a program (Synapse)
Mod + Enter Start terminal
Mod + Shift + d Open file manager
Mod + q Close current window
Mod + Shift + q Exit mode
Mod + Arrows Navigate between windows
Mod + Shift + Arrows Move window
Mod + 1-9 Change workspace (not with numpad)
Mod + Control + Shift + Arrows Move workspace (multi-screen)
Mod + r Resize mode
Mod + z, Mod + e, Mod + s Switch window disposition mode
Mod + h, Mod + v Switch new window position mode (horizontal / vertical)


My i3wm configurations


Language:Lua 77.8%Language:Shell 22.2%