Jamal-SaadEddin / TodoTick

This project is a TODO list web application that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently.

Home Page:https://jamal-saadeddin.github.io/TodoTick/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TodoTick logo


This project is a TODO list web application that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently. With a simple and intuitive interface, users can add, update, delete, and mark tasks as completed. The application interacts with a dummy API for initial data loading and supports CRUD operations.


  • Retrieve TODOs from a dummy API.
  • Add new TODOs.
  • Delete TODOs.
  • Mark TODOs as done.
  • Count the number of TODOs.
  • Store data in the browser to persist across page refreshes.
  • Search for TODOs.

Project Structure

The project is composed of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files that together create a responsive and functional application. It's designed to adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring a great user experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Live Demo

A live demo of the TODO List Application can be viewed here.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • LocalStorage API for data persistence
  • Fetch API for asynchronous HTTP requests


To run this project locally:

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Open index.html in your browser.



  • This task is part of the Foothill Technology Solutions Internship Cycle.
  • Big thanks to my trainer @Huthaifa
foothill logo

Thank you for visiting my project! Feel free to star or contribute to the repository if you find it useful.


This project is a TODO list web application that allows users to manage their tasks efficiently.



Language:JavaScript 64.6%Language:HTML 19.6%Language:CSS 15.8%