Jalalbaim / Hidden-In-Plain-Sight-Game

Hidden in Plain Sight" is a racing game, developped using C++ programming language and SFML.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Hidden in Plain Sight" is a captivating multiplayer game where one player attempts to navigate through a labyrinth of streets while evading capture by another player who acts as a pursuer. As the runner, players must use quick reflexes and strategic thinking to outsmart the pursuer and make it safely to the end zone before being caught. Meanwhile, the pursuer must utilize stealth and cunning tactics to track down the runner and prevent them from escaping. With intuitive controls and realistic graphics, this game provides a unique and exciting experience for both players. Check out this repository to explore the source code, written entirely in C++ and SFML, behind this enthralling cat-and-mouse chase game. Get ready to test your skills and engage in intense online competition with friends!

Menu :

Screenshot from 2023-05-06 15-29-36

Game :

Screenshot from 2023-05-06 15-30-16

Game Specification :

Possible user interactions and features to implement:

  • A menu allowing the user to start a new game or resume a previously saved session.
  • Display of the game area where the first player controls the cursor and the second player hides among a crowd of randomly moving characters. Before the game starts, the keyboard player is informed of their character's location by a green rectangle surrounding them.
  • Ability for the keyboard player to control their character's movement in four directions (up, down, left, right) whereas the uncontrollable characters have only one direction of motion (forward).
  • Display of a "defeat" message for the mouse player when the keyboard player reaches the finish line.
  • Management of the mouse player's actions: if the wrong character is clicked, a message indicating defeat will be displayed.
  • An "End Game" button within the game window opening a new window permitting the user to save the current state of play or close the window without saving progress.
  • If a game has been saved, the "Save" button in the main menu allows the user to continue playing from their previous position by displaying the character locations again.

Explanations :

  • The first folder, labeled “Headers,” houses all of the header files (.h) providing interfaces, declaring functions, and implementing common features throughout my software architecture. Reviewing these components can aid others in understanding my programming style and organization methods.
  • Next comes the “Sources” folder packed with implementation files (.cpp), which expose the inner workings of my application’s crucial components. Peruse the contents here to gain insights into my problem-solving approaches, data structure usage, and other vital aspects.
  • Last but not least, the “Others” folder contains artwork,and resources relevant to my game’s visual presentation. Investigate the illustrations content to understand how I assembled the game’s appearance.


Hidden in Plain Sight" is a racing game, developped using C++ programming language and SFML.


Language:C++ 100.0%