Jakob-L-M / bike-MAR-gration

Data Integration Project accompanying the Data Integration lecture at Uni of Marburg

Home Page:https://bike-mar-gration.jakob-l-m.de

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


As part of the lecture "Data Integration" at the University of Marburg, Bela Schinke and Jakob L. Müller launched the (Next)Bike Mar(burg) (inte)gration project.

The product enables a user to view the past activity of a station and getting a prediction of future movement.

Main view of the web page

Beside the real time predictions the product offers some analytics. A simple graph displays the number of bikes that where rented within the past 90min.

rental activity graph

Additionally we display the number of trips within the last hour, last 8 hours and last 24 hours.

trip stats

Finally we enable a user insights into trips by offering them a way to access the database via a form. Here they can select one or more origins and destinations a time window and target amount to get a visual display of which trips where driven. Further hover events help a user to spot where the trip starts and ends. The screenshot shows an example where Neue Universitätsbibliothek was select as the origin and all stations where selected as destinations. The time span was set to the total available time span and lastly the top 10 results were chosen.

trip detail window

The website can be found under bike-mar-gration.jakob-l-m.de. If you find bugs or have questions, feel free to contact me.

This document will given an overview over the steps taken, technologies used to reach the shown product.

Folder Structure

This data integration project has four components: preparation, data integration, data cleaning, and showcase.

  • data/: This folder explains how we obtained the underlying data. We describe the data pools as well as why and how we use the data.

  • preparation/: Code to extract and load the datasets into a MySQL Database. Here we also do some selections, transformation and perform basic cleaning

  • integration/: We perform On-Line integration. The folder includes some of the used queries and information how the different sources are integrated on varying request.

  • prediction-training/: Experiments to use the integrated dataset to predict bike distribution changes.

  • web-showcase/: Code to run the interactive web app and use the integration pipeline.

  • presentations/: Milestone presentations in the context of the course


  • time_id: When we mention a time_id somewhere we always consider this value as the number of seconds since 01.01.1970 (aka a second based timestamp) divided by 180 (3 minutes). We use this notation since scraping is performed every three minutes and we do not need a more precises granularity.


To run the project yourself a few steps are needed. After the project has been cloned, create a .env file in web-showcase/. The file needs to contain the following parameters:

MYSQL_HOST = "..."
MYSQL_USER = "..."

The MYSQL_... parameters are required for the database connection. SCRAPE_TRIGGER should be some UUID that is used to start the scraping process. WEATHER_KEY is the API key for weather-api.com. Their free tier allows way more than enough requests for this project.

Database structure

The mysql database requires the following tables:

  1. bikes


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 id int NO the bike id as defined by nextBike
    2 timeId int unsigned NO timeId of the scrape
    3 stationId int YES stations(id) the id of the station if the bike is parked at a station
    4 latitude decimal(16,10) YES latitude of the bike if the bike is not parked at a station
    5 longitude decimal(16,10) YES longitude of the bike if the bike is not parked at a station

    The primary key is (id, time_id) and station_id is a foreign key from stations. We have build indices over id, time_id and station_id for better performance.


    The bikes table stores the raw information that is scraped. Here id is the bike number. When scraping we add one row for every bike. This is by far the longest table and grows by ~150k entries per day.

  2. stations


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 id int NO station id as defined by nextBike
    2 name varchar(64) NO The name of a station as text
    3 cityId int NO cities(id) The id of the city that the station belongs to
    4 latitude decimal(10,6) NO latitude of the station.
    5 longitude decimal(10,6) NO longitude of the station
    6 firstSeen int unsigned NO timeId first occurrence in a scrape
    7 lastSeen int unsigned NO timeId last occurrence in a scrape


    The station table stores information about the station positions as well as the first and last time_id of a stations appearance. Here id is the station number. When scraping we update the first_seen and last_seen columns.

  3. trips


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 bikeId int NO bikes(id) id of the bike
    2 startTime int NO first timeId where the bike was seen at the stationId during that trip
    3 endTime int NO last timeId where the bike was seen at the stationId during that trip
    4 stationId int YES stations(id) stationId that the bike stood at
    5 latitude decimal(10,6) YES latitude if bike is not at a station
    6 longitude decimal(10,6) YES longitude if bike is not at a station
    7 nextStationId int YES stations(id) stationId of the next station, NULL if next station is not a station
    8 nextStartTime int YES startTime of the next station defining a trip if this is not NULL

    Additionally we construct B-Trees over the primary key(bikeId, startTime) as well as stationId and nextStationId to improve query performance


    The trips table stores information about the trips of all bikes. We define a trip through a bikeId and a startTime. Every trip can be ongoing if nextStartTime is NULL or complete if a nextStartTime exists. Trips are automatically updated during scraping.

  4. cities


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 id int NO unique id for every city. Eg auto increment
    2 name varchar(64) NO the cities name
    3 latitude decimal(16,8) NO latitude of the city. Used for weather scraping
    4 longitude decimal(16,8) NO longitude of the city. Used for weather scraping


    The cities table stores information about the cites that are scraped. This opens the possible of multi-city analysis. For now we only considered a single cite (Marburg).

  5. weather


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 timeId int NO timeId of scrape
    2 cityId int NO cities(id) cityId that was scraped
    3 temp decimal(8,4) NO temperature in degrees Celsius
    4 feelsLikeTemp decimal(8,4) NO felt temperature in degrees Celsius
    5 isDay tinyint(1) NO boolean indicator if it was day (between sunrise and sunset) at the time of scraping
    6 description varchar(64) NO The weather condition as a string. Eg cloudy, clear, overcast, ...
    7 cloud int NO Value from 0 to 100 indicating cloud intensity
    8 wind decimal(8,4) NO wind speed in kilometers per hour
    9 gust decimal(8,4) NO gust speed in kilometers per hour

    The primary key is (timeId, cityId).


    The weather table stores the relevant subset of the weather scrape.

  6. events


    # name data typ nullable foreign key comment
    1 date date NO Date of the event
    2 name varchar(64) NO Name of the event
    3 value int YES Optional value of the event
    4 description varchar(128) YES Optional additional text
    5 group int YES Group Id if event fits into a group


    The event table stores information about events grouped into categories like public holidays or local events.

Running the dev version locally

First init node.js

cd web-showcase
npm install

Then start the tailwind watcher and node server

npx tailwindcss -i ./input.css -o ./assets/css/tw.css --watch
npm run dev

This will start a server listening on localhost:3000 which auto updates/restarts on changes

Using the trained model in production

We use the tensorflowjs python library to converted the trained model for web usage. See the official tutorial. For us, a clean python 3.11.4 was used

Command for conversion, execute in a shell an root level

tensorflowjs_converter ./prediction-training/models/MODEL-NAME ./web-showcase/assets/model --input_format=tf_saved_model --output_node_names=web-model


Data Integration Project accompanying the Data Integration lecture at Uni of Marburg



Language:CSS 34.9%Language:JavaScript 33.4%Language:Python 18.2%Language:HTML 9.0%Language:PureBasic 4.5%