Jajabenit250 / kobosync-for-inkomoko

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

📊 KoboSync Data Extraction System

Table of Contents

🚀 Project Overview

Welcome to the KoboSync Data Extraction System! This project is all about making it easier to extract, process, and store survey data from KoboToolbox. We built it with performance and scalability in mind, so whether you’re dealing with a handful of surveys or thousands, this system has you covered.

What You'll Love About It:

  • Lightning-fast data extraction thanks to ClickHouse
  • Real-time updates via webhooks
  • Rock-solid data quality checks to keep everything in check
  • Daily scheduled extractions so you don’t have to worry about missing any data
  • Built to scale as your data grows

💡 Key Decisions and Rationale

Here’s a quick rundown of some key choices I made while building this system and why:

  1. Database Choice: ClickHouse

    • Why? We picked ClickHouse because it’s awesome at handling large datasets and running analytical queries quickly. Perfect for the kind of heavy lifting that's needed.
  2. Data Model: Normalized Structure

    • Why? A normalized structure keeps the data clean, makes queries faster, and reduces redundancy. It also makes future updates and maintenance much easier.
  3. Real-time Processing: Webhook Implementation

    • Why? We added a webhook so that every time a new survey submission comes in, it gets processed immediately. No waiting around!
  4. Data Quality: Comprehensive Checks

    • Why? Data quality is non-negotiable. We implemented checks at multiple stages to ensure the data is reliable and accurate.
  5. Asynchronous Processing: FastAPI and asyncio

    • Why? FastAPI with asyncio lets us handle multiple tasks at once without slowing down. This makes the system more responsive.
  6. Scalability: Distributed Architecture

    • Why? We designed it to scale horizontally, so as your data grows, the system can easily grow with it.
  7. Error Handling and Logging: Comprehensive Approach

    • Why? Good logging and error handling make it easier to troubleshoot issues and keep everything running smoothly.
  8. Testing: Comprehensive Test Suite

    • Why? We set up a full suite of tests to make sure everything works as expected and to catch any issues early.
  9. Security: Multiple Layers

    • Why? Security is key, so I implemented several layers of protection to keep your data safe.
  10. Performance Optimization: ClickHouse-Specific Techniques

    • Why? We wanted to get the most out of ClickHouse, so I used some of its unique features to optimize performance even further.

🛠️ System Architecture

Let’s take a quick look at how everything fits together:

graph TD
    A[KoboToolbox API] --> B[KoboDataService]
    B --> C[KoboExtractionService]
    C --> D[ClickHouse Database]
    E[Webhook] --> F[WebhookController]
    F --> C
    G[Cron Job] --> B
    H[DataQualityService] --> D
    J[API Endpoints] --> H
    J --> C
    K[Error Handling & Logging] --> L[Log Files]
    M[Monitoring System] --> D
    M --> J

Everything starts with KoboToolbox. I extracted the data using KoboService, store it in ClickHouse, and then handle it through our API or process it in real-time via the webhook.

🗄️ Database Schema

Schema Diagram

Here’s a visual representation of how our data is structured:

    SURVEYS ||--o{ SURVEY_RESPONSES : contains
    SURVEYS ||--o{ LOCATIONS : has
    SURVEYS ||--o{ CLIENTS : involves
    SURVEYS ||--o{ SURVEYORS : conducted_by
        UInt64 _id PK
        String formhub_uuid
        DateTime start_time
        DateTime end_time
        Date survey_date
        String unique_id
        String instance_id
        String xform_id_string
        String uuid
        DateTime submission_time
        String version
        String location_id FK
        String surveyor_id FK
        String client_id_manifest FK
        Enum8 business_status
        Enum8 business_operating
        DateTime last_updated
        Array(Nullable(Float64)) _geolocation
        Array(String) _tags
        Array(String) _notes
        String _validation_status
        Nullable(String) _submitted_by
        String location_id PK
        LowCardinality(String) country
        LowCardinality(String) region
        String specific_location
        String client_id_manifest PK
        String name
        String phone
        String alternate_phone
        Enum8 phone_type
        Enum8 gender
        UInt8 age
        LowCardinality(String) nationality
        LowCardinality(String) strata
        Enum8 disability
        LowCardinality(String) education
        LowCardinality(String) status
        Enum8 sole_income_earner
        UInt8 responsible_for_people
        DateTime last_updated
        String surveyor_id PK
        String name
        LowCardinality(String) cohort
        LowCardinality(String) program
        UInt64 _id PK
        String unique_id PK
        String question_key PK
        String response
        Enum8 response_type
        DateTime last_updated

SQL Schema

And here’s how that schema looks in SQL:

    _id UInt64,
    formhub_uuid String,
    start_time DateTime,
    end_time DateTime,
    survey_date Date,
    unique_id String,
    instance_id String,
    xform_id_string String,
    uuid String,
    submission_time DateTime,
    version String,
    location_id String,
    surveyor_id String,
    client_id_manifest String,
    business_status Enum8('Existing Business' = 1, 'New Business' = 2, 'Idea stage' = 3),
    business_operating Enum8('yes' = 1, 'no' = 0),
    last_updated DateTime,
    _geolocation Array(Nullable(Float64)),
    _tags Array(String),
    _notes Array(String),
    _validation_status String,
    _submitted_by Nullable(String)
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(last_updated)
ORDER BY (_id, unique_id, client_id_manifest, submission_time);

CREATE TABLE locations
    location_id String,
    country LowCardinality(String),
    region LowCardinality(String),
    specific_location String
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY location_id;

    client_id_manifest String,
    name String,
    phone String,
    alternate_phone String,
    phone_type Enum8('Smart phone' = 1, 'Feature phone' = 2, 'Smart phone Feature phone' = 3),
    gender Enum8('Male' = 1, 'Female' = 2),
    age UInt8,
    nationality LowCardinality(String),
    strata LowCardinality(String),
    disability Enum8('Yes' = 1, 'No' = 0),
    education LowCardinality(String),
    status LowCardinality(String),
    sole_income_earner Enum8('Yes' = 1, 'No' = 0),
    responsible_for_people UInt8,
    last_updated DateTime
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(last_updated)
ORDER BY client_id_manifest;

CREATE TABLE surveyors
    surveyor_id String,
    name String,
    cohort LowCardinality(String),
    program LowCardinality(String)
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree()
ORDER BY surveyor_id;

CREATE TABLE survey_responses
id UInt64,
    unique_id String,
    question_key String,
    response String,
    response_type Enum8('text' = 1, 'number' = 2, 'date' = 3, 'select' = 4),
    last_updated DateTime
) ENGINE = ReplacingMergeTree(last_updated)
ORDER BY (_id, unique_id, question_key);

🛠️ Setup Instructions


Before you dive in, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • ClickHouse and FastAPI dependencies (grab them from the requirements.txt)


Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Jajabenit250/kobosync-for-inkomoko.git
    cd kobosync-for-inkomoko
  2. Install ClickHouse: Follow the official ClickHouse installation guide for your operating system.

  3. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `venv\Scripts\activate`
  4. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following:

  6. Initialize the ClickHouse database: Run the SQL scripts in database_init.sql to create the necessary tables.

  7. Start the application:

    uvicorn src.main:app --reload


  1. Fire up the containers with docker-compose up -d.


  1. Run tests with pytest to make sure everything’s working as expected.
  2. Use the provided Postman collection to test out the API endpoints.

📚 Usage Guide

Extracting Data

To pull data from KoboToolbox manually, hit up the /kobo/extract endpoint. All the data will be stored in the ClickHouse tables.

Viewing Data Quality Issues

Need to check for any data quality issues? The /data-quality/check endpoint has got you covered.

Webhook for Real-time Updates

If you want to get data as soon as it’s submitted, make sure to register your webhook URL with KoboToolbox.

Surveys List

Want to see a list of all the surveys in the system? Just call the /surveys endpoint.

📖 API Documentation

✅ Data Quality Checks

  1. Value Range Checks: Ensures that numeric fields fall within acceptable ranges. For example, ages or response counts are checked to make sure they're realistic.
  2. Date Consistency: Verifies that date fields, such as submission_time, start_time, and end_time, make sense chronologically.
  3. Geolocation Validation: Confirms that geolocation data falls within valid latitude and longitude ranges.
  4. Unique Constraint Checks: Ensures that fields like unique_id remain unique across the dataset.
  5. Cross-field Validation: Looks at the relationships between fields to ensure they make sense together, like making sure end_time is after start_time.

⚡ Real-time Processing

Our system is designed to handle real-time data processing efficiently. As soon as a new survey submission is made, it's captured by the webhook and processed immediately, updating the database and running data quality checks on the fly. This ensures that your data is always up-to-date and ready for analysis.

Webhook Workflow:

  1. Kobo Submission: A new submission is made in KoboToolbox.
  2. Webhook Triggered: The webhook captures the submission and sends it to our system.
  3. Processing & Storage: The data is validated, processed, and stored in ClickHouse.
  4. Data Quality Checks: All quality checks are run to ensure the data is accurate and consistent.

🧪 Testing

Testing is a core part of our development process. I did implemented a comprehensive suite of tests to ensure the system works as expected under different scenarios.

Test Types:

  • Unit Tests: Check individual components to ensure they perform as expected.

🚀 Performance Optimization

Performance is key, especially when dealing with large datasets. We’ve implemented several optimizations to keep things running fast and smooth:

Key Optimizations:

  • Indexing: Strategic indexing in ClickHouse to speed up queries.
  • Batch Processing: Data is processed in batches where possible, reducing the load on the system.
  • Asynchronous Operations: Utilizing FastAPI’s async capabilities to handle multiple requests concurrently without slowing down.
  • Connection Pooling: Efficiently managing database connections to prevent bottlenecks.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%