JadeG Studio (JadeG-Studios)

JadeG Studio


Geek Repo

JadeG Studio is a professional outsourcing software studio based in Vietnam.


Home Page:https://jadegstudio.com

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JadeG Studio's repositories



Cloning a website of a big game company like Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) can be a daunting task, but with the right source code and front end UI design, it can be done quickly and smoothly. HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the three main languages used to create the interface that clones EA's website.



Building a music player app requires a great deal of attention to detail. It needs to have a fast and smooth user interface with clean code structure. To achieve this, developers must use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the source code clone that will be used for the UI design.



A ecommerce plant shop app that enables users to buy plants easily and quickly. The app has been built with Firebase, making it a fast and secure platform for users to purchase plants. It also has a modern and minimal design, which makes it visually appealing and easy to use.



Source code for front-end of Tiki - the ecommerce market app that is popular in Vietnam. With its intuitive UI/UX design, users will be able to navigate through the website with ease while also enjoying a fast and smooth interface.



Source code of front end, UI design with HTML, CSS and JavaScript that clone Shopee – a popular ecommerce. Intuitive user interface, smooth user experience, and clean code structure.
