JacquesOlivierLachaud / PointCloudCurvCNC

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Lightweight Curvature Estimation on Point Clouds with Randomized Corrected Curvature Measures

CI (linux/macOS)

This repository provides an example application that implements the curvature estimators on oriented point clouds presented at Symposium on Geometry Processing 2023, Genova, Italy, July 3-7:

Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, David Coeurjolly, CĂ©line Labart, Pascal Romon, Boris Thibert, Lightweight Curvature Estimation on Point Clouds with Randomized Corrected Curvature Measures, Comput. Graph. Forum, 42(5), 2023.

Authors of the code:

  • Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
  • David Coeurjolly


Once cloned, proceed as follows on Linux/macos:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make -j 8

It will automatically fetch and install the dependencies polyscope and eigen.


Computing curvatures of point clouds approximating simple shapes


Run the program with a GUI that allows you to generate point clouds approximating simple shapes (sphere, torus, cube, dodecahedron).

Computing curvatures of an oriented point cloud (given as text file)

./curvatures ../data/bearded-man-xyz-nxyz.pts

Text file should be composed of lines of the form x y z nx ny nz for each point, determining the coordinates (x,y,z) of each point and the components (nx,ny,nz) of its oriented normal vector.

Computing curvatures of an oriented point cloud (given as a wavefront OBJ file)

./curvatures ../data/bunnyhead.obj

The OBJ file should contained the vertices as v x y z and normal vectors as vn nx ny nz.

Using the interface

  • Shape generation

    • Sphere generates a sphere of size R with N points
    • Torus generates a torus of great radius R and small radius r with N points
    • Cube generates a cube of size R with N points
    • Dodecahedron generates a dodecahedron of size R with N points
    • InputFile generates a set of points from the given input file
    • all shapes can be perturbated in position (parameter x) and in normals (parameter xi)
    • you may toggle between fast display (better when N > 5 millions) or nice display
  • Curvature computation

    • Curvatures computes all curvature information (mean, Gaussian, principal curvatures and directions.
    • parameter K is the chosen number of nearest neighbors
    • parameter L is the chosen number of triangles (only for Uniform generation)
    • you may choose for triangle random generation methods among Uniform, Independent, Hexagram, Avg-Hexagram (see paper for details)
    • method Avg-Hexagram is the fastest, very accurate while staying robust to noise
    • parameter W balances between the normal to the points and the average normals of its neighbors to define the local sampling plane, 0.5 works well.
  • Information

    • the total computation time of curvatures is displayed
    • l2 and loo errors are displayed for Sphere and Torus shape.

Replicate paper results

We provide additional datasets to be able to reproduce the paper results. To exactly get the paper visual after clicking on Curvatures the button, for each interested curvature quantity, change polyscope's colormap from viridis to coolwarm and use the clamping values given in the following table (to specify the colormap min/max values, just CTRL-click to the min/max text area for the selected curvature quantities).

Pointcloud Paper figure Params curvature colormap clamping ranges
./curvatures ../data/goursat/goursat_025000.pts Fig6 K=50, L=100 Mean: [-0.107, 0.345], Gaussian: [-0.034, 0.119]
./curvatures ../data/torus/torus_025000.pts supplem Fig2 K=50, L=100 Mean: [ 0.125, 0.32], Gaussian: [-0.125, 0.0625]
./curvatures ../data/goursat/goursat_025000.pts supplem Fig3 K=50, L=200 Mean: [-0.107, 0.345], Gaussian: [-0.034, 0.119]
./curvatures ../data/torus/torus_025000.pts supplem Fig4 K=50, L=200 Mean: [ 0.125, 0.32], Gaussian: [-0.125, 0.0625]
./curvatures ../data/anisotropic/goursat-filter.pts supplem Fig5 K=50, L=200 Mean: [-0.107, 0.345], Gaussian: [-0.034, 0.119]
./curvatures ../data/anisotropic/torus-filter.pts supplem Fig6 K=50, L=200 Mean: [ 0.125, 0.32], Gaussian: [-0.125, 0.0625]
./curvatures ../data/lidarSim/goursat-lidar.pts supplem Fig5 K=50, L=200 Mean: [-0.107, 0.345], Gaussian: [-0.034, 0.119]
./curvatures ../data/lidarSim/torus-lidar.pts supplem Fig6 K=50, L=200 Mean: [ 0.125, 0.32], Gaussian: [-0.125, 0.0625]


bearded man scan
Mean curvature (Avg-Hexagram, N=20)
torus H torus V1 torus V2
Mean curvature on torus (N=10000, N=20) First principal direction Second principal direction


License:MIT License


Language:C++ 95.8%Language:CMake 4.2%