JacopoMangiavacchi / CoreML-TransferLearning-Demo

CoreML + S4TF Transfer Learning with Embedding and Multi Input

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Swift for TensorFlow Notebook and CoreML + SwiftUI demo App to demonstrate the potentiality of the SwiftCoreMLTools library (https://github.com/JacopoMangiavacchi/SwiftCoreMLTools) to adopt Transfer Learning technique and train on devices tabular data with multiple Numerical and Categorical Features using Embedding and Multi Input.

The App

Models architecture

The App

The App


The Boston housing price dataset (Creator: Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. )has 13 numeric/categorical predictive. Median Value (attribute 14) is usually the target.

Attribute Information (in order):

  • CRIM Numerical: per capita crime rate by town
  • ZN Numerical: proportion of residential land zoned for lots over 25,000 sq.ft.
  • INDUS Numerical: proportion of non-retail business acres per town
  • CHAS Categorical: Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds river; 0 otherwise)
  • NOX Numerical: nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
  • RM Numerical: average number of rooms per dwelling
  • AGE Numerical: proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
  • DIS Numerical: weighted distances to five Boston employment centres
  • RAD Categorical: index of accessibility to radial highways
  • TAX Numerical: full-value property-tax rate per ten thousand dollars
  • PTRATIO Numerical: pupil-teacher ratio by town
  • B Numerical: 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks by town
  • LSTAT Numerical: % lower status of the population
  • MEDV Numerical: Median value of owner-occupied homes in a thousand dollar

Data transformations

  • Categorical features are encoded with one-hot-encoding representation and feeded into Embedding layers.
  • Numerical features are normalized using ZScore (x' = (x' - MEAN(X)) / STD(X)) fitting only training data
  • Dataset is splitted in Train and Test

S4TF Model

struct MultiInputs<N: Differentiable, C>: Differentiable {
  var numerical: N
  var categorical: C

  init(numerical: N, categorical: C) {
    self.numerical = numerical
    self.categorical = categorical

struct RegressionModel: Module {
    var numericalLayer = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 11, outputSize: 32, activation: relu)
    var embedding1 = Embedding<Float>(vocabularySize: 2, embeddingSize: 2)
    var embedding2 = Embedding<Float>(vocabularySize: 9, embeddingSize: 5)
    var embeddingLayer = Dense<Float>(inputSize: (4 + 45), outputSize: 64, activation: relu)
    var allInputConcatLayer = Dense<Float>(inputSize: (32 + 64), outputSize: 128, activation: relu)
    var hiddenLayer = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 128, outputSize: 32, activation: relu)
    var outputLayer = Dense<Float>(inputSize: 32, outputSize: 1)

    func callAsFunction(_ input: MultiInputs<[Tensor<Float>], [Tensor<Int32>]>) -> Tensor<Float> {
        let numericalInput = numericalLayer(input.numerical[0])
        let embeddingOutput1 = embedding1(input.categorical[0])
        let embeddingOutput1Reshaped = embeddingOutput1.reshaped(to: 
            TensorShape([embeddingOutput1.shape[0], embeddingOutput1.shape[1] * embeddingOutput1.shape[2]]))
        let embeddingOutput2 = embedding2(input.categorical[1])
        let embeddingOutput2Reshaped = embeddingOutput2.reshaped(to: 
            TensorShape([embeddingOutput2.shape[0], embeddingOutput2.shape[1] * embeddingOutput2.shape[2]]))
        let embeddingConcat = Tensor<Float>(concatenating: [embeddingOutput1Reshaped, embeddingOutput2Reshaped], alongAxis: 1)
        let embeddingInput = embeddingLayer(embeddingConcat)
        let allConcat = Tensor<Float>(concatenating: [numericalInput, embeddingInput], alongAxis: 1)
        return allConcat.sequenced(through: allInputConcatLayer, hiddenLayer, outputLayer)

var model = RegressionModel()

SwiftCoreMLTools Export Trained Model

let coremlModel = Model(version: 4,
                        shortDescription: "Regression",
                        author: "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
                        license: "MIT",
                        userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.0.6"]) {
    Input(name: "numericalInput", shape: [11])
    Input(name: "categoricalInput1", shape: [1])
    Input(name: "categoricalInput2", shape: [1])
    Output(name: "output", shape: [1])
    NeuralNetwork {
        Embedding(name: "embedding1",
                     input: ["categoricalInput1"],
                     output: ["outEmbedding1"],
                     weight: model.embedding1.embeddings.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     inputDim: 2,
                     outputChannels: 2)
        Permute(name: "permute1",
                     input: ["outEmbedding1"],
                     output: ["outPermute1"],
                     axis: [2, 1, 0, 3])
        Flatten(name: "flatten1",
                     input: ["outPermute1"],
                     output: ["outFlatten1"],
                     mode: .last)
        Embedding(name: "embedding2",
                     input: ["categoricalInput2"],
                     output: ["outEmbedding2"],
                     weight: model.embedding2.embeddings.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     inputDim: 9,
                     outputChannels: 5)
        Permute(name: "permute2",
                     input: ["outEmbedding2"],
                     output: ["outPermute2"],
                     axis: [2, 1, 0, 3])
        Flatten(name: "flatten2",
                     input: ["outPermute2"],
                     output: ["outFlatten2"],
                     mode: .last)
        Concat(name: "concat",
                     input: ["numericalInput", "outFlatten1", "outFlatten2"],
                     output: ["outConcat"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense1",
                     input: ["outConcat"],
                     output: ["outDense1"],
                     weight: model.allInputConcatLayer.weight.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     bias: model.allInputConcatLayer.bias.flattened().scalars,
                     inputChannels: 11 + 2 + 5,
                     outputChannels: 64)
        ReLu(name: "Relu1",
             input: ["outDense1"],
             output: ["outRelu1"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense2",
                     input: ["outRelu1"],
                     output: ["outDense2"],
                     weight: model.hiddenLayer.weight.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     bias: model.hiddenLayer.bias.flattened().scalars,
                     inputChannels: 64,
                     outputChannels: 32)
        ReLu(name: "Relu2",
             input: ["outDense2"],
             output: ["outRelu2"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense3",
                     input: ["outRelu2"],
                     output: ["output"],
                     weight: model.outputLayer.weight.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     bias: model.outputLayer.bias.flattened().scalars,
                     inputChannels: 32,
                     outputChannels: 1)

SwiftCoreMLTools Export Trainable Model

let coremlModel = Model(version: 4,
                        shortDescription: "Regression",
                        author: "Jacopo Mangiavacchi",
                        license: "MIT",
                        userDefined: ["SwiftCoremltoolsVersion" : "0.0.6"]) {
    Input(name: "numericalInput", shape: [11])
    Input(name: "categoricalInput1", shape: [1])
    Input(name: "categoricalInput2", shape: [1])
    Output(name: "output", shape: [1])
    TrainingInput(name: "numericalInput", shape: [11])
    TrainingInput(name: "categoricalInput1", shape: [1])
    TrainingInput(name: "categoricalInput2", shape: [1])
    TrainingInput(name: "output_true", shape: [1])
    NeuralNetwork(losses: [MSE(name: "lossLayer",
                               input: "output",
                               target: "output_true")],
                  optimizer: SGD(learningRateDefault: 0.001,
                                 learningRateMax: 0.3,
                                 miniBatchSizeDefault: 32,
                                 miniBatchSizeRange: [32],
                                 momentumDefault: 0,
                                 momentumMax: 1.0),
                  epochDefault: 500,
                  epochSet: [500],
                  shuffle: true) {
        Embedding(name: "embedding1",
                     input: ["categoricalInput1"],
                     output: ["outEmbedding1"],
                     weight: model.embedding1.embeddings.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     inputDim: 2,
                     outputChannels: 2)
        Permute(name: "permute1",
                     input: ["outEmbedding1"],
                     output: ["outPermute1"],
                     axis: [2, 1, 0, 3])
        Flatten(name: "flatten1",
                     input: ["outPermute1"],
                     output: ["outFlatten1"],
                     mode: .last)
        Embedding(name: "embedding2",
                     input: ["categoricalInput2"],
                     output: ["outEmbedding2"],
                     weight: model.embedding2.embeddings.transposed().flattened().scalars,
                     inputDim: 9,
                     outputChannels: 5)
        Permute(name: "permute2",
                     input: ["outEmbedding2"],
                     output: ["outPermute2"],
                     axis: [2, 1, 0, 3])
        Flatten(name: "flatten2",
                     input: ["outPermute2"],
                     output: ["outFlatten2"],
                     mode: .last)
        Concat(name: "concat",
                     input: ["numericalInput", "outFlatten1", "outFlatten2"],
                     output: ["outConcat"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense1",
                     input: ["outConcat"],
                     output: ["outDense1"],
                     inputChannels: 11 + 2 + 5,
                     outputChannels: 64,
                     updatable: true)
        ReLu(name: "Relu1",
             input: ["outDense1"],
             output: ["outRelu1"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense2",
                     input: ["outRelu1"],
                     output: ["outDense2"],
                     inputChannels: 64,
                     outputChannels: 32,
                     updatable: true)
        ReLu(name: "Relu2",
             input: ["outDense2"],
             output: ["outRelu2"])
        InnerProduct(name: "dense3",
                     input: ["outRelu2"],
                     output: ["output"],
                     inputChannels: 32,
                     outputChannels: 1,
                     updatable: true)


CoreML + S4TF Transfer Learning with Embedding and Multi Input

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 95.9%Language:Swift 4.1%