JacobLBaum / git-workflow-practice-BrandonSomoza

git-workflow-practice-BrandonSomoza created by GitHub Classroom

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Linux Unplugged

Linux Unplugged is a weekly talk-show where the participants speak about anything concerning Linux. I usually listen to their podcast on Spotify since this is the platform where I originally found them. Usually their discussions involve a variety of topics, including (but not limited to) tech trends, new software and hardware, Git, their personal experiences related to tech, and more.

Personally, listening to them discuss products and concepts with which I wasn't too familiar was daunting at first! This was until I quickly realized that the only way I would be able to truly enjoy the podcast was to pause it, and immediately look up whatever it was that I didn't understand or know about. As soon as I began this habit of active listening, I found myself getting more immersed into their discussions. Consequently, this allowed me to appreciate the podcast even more, and actually be able to learn from it.

I ended up having a conversation with a family friend of mine about StarLink (Elon Musks' internet service) after learning about it for the first time on the podcast. I would heavily encourage anyone remotely interested in tech and Linux to give this podcast a listen!


git-workflow-practice-BrandonSomoza created by GitHub Classroom

License:GNU General Public License v3.0