Jacob-Friesen / portfolio_website

Jacob's portfolio website demonstrating his skills and experience

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Portfolio Website

This is the fifth version of my Portfolio website and the second Angular.js version (Using Angular 2+). The site should be run using Node.js 6.9.x+. Also, NPM 3.10.x or greater should be used to overcome issues with installing the newer projects.

This site was created to provide a much simpler software and visual design relative to the older site. The philosophy is to employ as much preprocessing, testing and automated tools to make development as fast as possible. While this approach results in extremely fast development, I would probably not take things as far when a project needs to account for the learning curves of other developers. For example, I would probably not use Pug (formerly Jade), the HTML Preprocessor. Finally, due to the small size, practices like multi-module systems were not used because they would add implementation overhead without providing much maintainability.

Files And Folders (Top Level)

  • bin/ Files used before the main dependencies such as the Angular CLI are present e.g. install scripts.
  • dist/ A generated folder containing the production built static assets.
  • e2e/ All E2E test specifications are here.
  • node_modules/ All 3rd party libraries used in development and running of this site.
  • src/ All the unbuilt files. Edit these as you develop.
  • app.js The Express server definition. This defines how to run files in production.
  • customServer.js A backup server for running production code in case the Express server errors for a strange reason.
  • gulpfile.js Defines all the tasks that Angular CLI does not cover such as builds with minification.
  • package.json Defines all the libaries and their version to be installed with npm install.
  • robots.txt Defines where various webcrawlers can go. This should be copied into the public directory.
  • sitemap.xml Defines the locations of the site for webcrawlers making the site more SEO friendly.
  • tslint.json Defines all rules that will be used for the linting system.

Technologies & Architecture

Before diving into the code, it is helpful to know the basics of the technologies and architecture so you have a roadmap of where things fit.


  • Node.js A runtime that runs over Chrome's JavaScript engine that allows you to write server side JavaScript. Many user interface libaries are written for Node.js, so it drastically reduces the amount of code used.
  • Gulp.js Used to run all the tasks not supported by Angular CLI. Implemented via streams.
  • Angular CLI Used to run commands such as the development server and to generate various client side files. It is recommended that you read through the whole README there.
  • Angular 2 A single page JavaScript framework that is based on extending HTML by using a component tree. It is recommended that you go through the tutorial here.
  • Express An extremely minimal non-opinionated Node.js server. See app.js to see how it was configured.
  • TS Lint Used to lint all files. Similar to ESLint.
  • Jasmine Used to run all the tests (End to End and unit tests).
  • Karma Used to manage running unit tests in multiple browsers. See the config folder.
  • Protractor Used to run tests in browsers using Selenium. See the config folder.
  • Webpack Used to modularize all assets. Integrated into Angular CLI.


  1. Files are installed and copied from various node_modules, see bin/install.bash.
  2. Pug files are transformed into HTML files automatically which read various JSON config files.
  3. SCSS is also transformed to CSS on changes.
  4. TypeScript is dynamically translated while running in development via Angular CLI.
  5. There are no internal AJAX requests (other than for blog data), all data is generated before load to eliminate roundtrips.
  6. The system is run via Express once it has been built. Building converts all assets into their base versions (e.g. SCSS to CSS). Then concatenates and minifies them.
  7. When common libraries are used, they are not stored locally. They are loaded via a CloudFlare CDN (Content Delivery Network).


To Install

bash bin/install.bash# --no-npm-install to skip any NPM dependency installations

OS X only:

brew install watchman


To run use:

npm start

For the various watchers:

gulp watch-pug
gulp watch-lint
# unit tests
npm test
# brower tests
npm run e2e

Target Desktop Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • IE (Low priority)

Target Mobile Browsers

  • Chrome
  • Safari


Build everything into a dist production folder. Make sure no servers and no watchers are running:

gulp build

Use express 4 to run the site:

node app.js 5000

If the Express server fails or cannot run a basic pure Node.js backup server can also be run in dist:

node dist/customServer.js 5000


Unit tests:

npm test

E2Es using Protractor:

npm run e2e


See MIT_License.txt


Jacob's portfolio website demonstrating his skills and experience




Language:TypeScript 31.7%Language:JavaScript 31.0%Language:HTML 15.7%Language:SCSS 14.6%Language:Pug 5.1%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:CSS 0.7%