Jackovson / cakephp-twitter-datasource

Provides a Datasource for connecting to the Twitter API's Search endpoint. As of now the datasource is read-only.

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Twitter Datasource

Provides a Datasource for connecting to the Twitter API's Search endpoint. As of now the datasource is read-only.


To use the Twitter API you need to have an application setup. See the app manager to setup a new app or use an existing one. The Datasource uses the Consumer key and Consumer secret to authenticate with the Twitter API and requires no user login.

Lastly keep in mind the rules and guideline for using Twitter API. Read more about their policies at Twitter API docs

1. Get the source

Clone the project to an appropriately named plugin folder:

git clone git@github.com:nodesagency/cakephp-twitter-datasource.git app/Plugin/TwitterDatasource

Or add it as a submodule to your pre-existing git repository.

git submodule add git://github.com/nodesagency/cakephp-twitter-datasource.git app/Plugin/TwitterDatasource

2. Add the plugin to your project



3. Configure the Datasource

The datasource can be configured in the database file.



	public $tweets = array(
		'datasource'    => 'TwitterDatasource.TwitterSource',
		'consumer_key'     => '', // from your Twitter app settings
		'consumer_secret' => '', // from your Twitter app settings


Alternatively, it can be added to the ConnectionManager manually.

App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');

ConnectionManager::create('tweets', array(
	'datasource'    => 'TwitterDatasource.TwitterSource',
	'consumer_key'     => '', // from your Twitter app settings
	'consumer_secret' => '', // from your Twitter app settings


The data source attempts to wrap the Twitter API Search endpoints to CakePHP-style models so you can use the find(), save() and delete() methods as you normally would. However, the endpoints don't handle the usual parameters (limit, order, etc) so each model acts independendtly.


The Tweet model is a wrapper for the search endpoints, providing access to tweets on Twitter. Calling find() on this model uses the /searsh/tweets action.


// Get tweets with a specific hashtag
$hashtag = '#hello #world';

$tweets = $this->Tweet->find(
		'conditions' => array(
			'q' => $hashtag

Basically you should be able to query using all of these parameters.


Authorization with the Twitter API requires only a reqistered application using consumer_key and consumer_secret. You need to have set up the consumer_key and consumer_secret in the database configuration (see above) and they must match the ones in your Foursquare applications manager. consumer_key and consumer_secret are submitted to the api alongside the request, authorizing it on the fly.


Provides a Datasource for connecting to the Twitter API's Search endpoint. As of now the datasource is read-only.



Language:PHP 100.0%