Jacklynn / crt-portal

Portal for the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Local set up

Install Docker


Create a .env file in the top of your directory and set SECRET_KEY to a long, random string.


To build the project

docker-compose up -d --build

To run the project

docker-compose up

create a superuser for admin access

 docker-compose run web python /code/crt_portal/manage.py createsuperuser

To add some test data after you log in at; Then you can check out

in another terminal if you are doing front end work:

gulp watch

Also note, that the staticfiles folder is the destination of all static assets when you or a script runs manage.py collectstatic so don't make your changes there, or they will be overwritten.

Running common tasks

In Django, when you update the data models you need to create migrations and then apply those migrations, you can do that with:

docker-compose run web python /code/crt_portal/manage.py makemigrations
docker-compose run web python /code/crt_portal/manage.py migrate

To ssh into your local docker container run:

docker exec -it crt-django_web_1 /bin/bash

To install a new python package run:

docker-compose run web pipenv install name-of-package


Tests run automatically with repos that are integrated with Circle CI. You can run those tests locally with the following instructions.

You can also run project tests using docker with:

docker-compose run web python /code/crt_portal/manage.py test cts_forms

For accessibility testing with Pa11y, you can run that locally, if you have npm installed locally with:

npm run test:a11y

You can scan the code for potential python security flaws using bandit. Run bandit manually:

docker-compose run web bandit -r crt_portal/

If there is a false positive you can add # nosec at the end of the line that is triggering the error. Please also add a comment that explains why that line is a false positive.

You can check for style issues by running flake8:

docker-compose run web flake8

If you have a a reason why a line of code shouldn't apply flake8 you can add # noqa, but try to use that sparingly.

Browser targeting

We aim to test against Interent Explorer 11 and Google Chrome on a regular basis, and test against Safari and Firefox on an occasional basis.

cloud.gov set up

You only need to get the services stood up and configure the S3 bucket once.

For working with cloud.gov directly, you will need to install the cloud foundry cli. That will allow you to run the cf commands in a terminal.

First, login to cloud.gov at https://login.fr.cloud.gov/login and then, get a passcode https://login.fr.cloud.gov/passcode.

Log on with cf login -a api.fr.cloud.gov --sso-passcode <put_passcode_here>

Initial cloud.gov set up

First, log into the desired space.

Create postgres DB and S3 with development settings:

cf create-service aws-rds shared-psql crt-db
cf create-service s3 basic-public crt-s3

Store environment variables


when prompted give it the secret key

You will needed to enable CORS via awscli, for each bucket instructions are here: https://cloud.gov/docs/services/s3/#allowing-client-side-web-access-from-external-applications

Create a service account for deployment for each space you are setting up. (Replace "SPACE" with the name of the space you are setting up.)

cf create-service cloud-gov-service-account space-deployer crt-service-account-SPACE
cf create-service-key crt-service-account-SPACE crt-portal-SPACE-key
cf service-key crt-service-account-SPACE crt-portal-SPACE-key

Those credentials will need to be added to CircleCI as environment variables: CRT_USERNAME_SPACE CRT_PASSWORD_SPACE (replace "SPACE" with the relevant space).

Right now, the route is set for the production space, we will want to pass in different routes for different spaces but that can be handled when we add the automation.

To deploy manually, make sure you are logged in, run the push command and pass it the name of the manifest for the space you want to deploy to:

cf push -f manifest_space.yaml

That will push to cloud.gov according to the instructions in the manifest and Profile.

Create admin accounts

Need to ssh to create superuser (would like to do this automatically in another PR)

cf ssh crt-portal-django

Once in, activate local env


Then, you can create a superuser

python /crt_portal/manage.py createsuperuser

Subsequent deploys

Deploys will happen via Circle CI. - For deploys to dev, it will deploy after tests pass, when a PR is merged into the develop branch. - For deploys to staging, it will deploy after tests pass, when we make or update a branch the starts with "release/". - Once we are cleared to deploy to prod, it will deploy after tests pass, when we merge the release into the master branch.

As a back up contingency, you can deploy just with a push using the manifest:

cf push -f manifest_space.yml

Background notes

These are some technologies we are using in the build, here are some links for background.

Pipenv This is what we use to manage python packages

Postgres Here are the database docs

This is a tool for for interfacing with postgres pgcli

Docker We are using containers for local development.

USWDS We are using 2.0 as our base

Django This is the web framework

Cloud.gov This is the PaaS the app is on


Portal for the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice


Language:Python 47.0%Language:CSS 37.5%Language:HTML 10.1%Language:JavaScript 2.9%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%