Jaaneek / development-flow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Branch Naming Convention:

If there is no task on linear for what you are doing consider:

  1. Creating it yourself
  2. Quick urgent fix? Feel free to push it without following the convention, try to make sure the branch name is understandable.


Just copy from linear, click on Copy git branch name: image





fix - bugs, something that didn't work before, typos

feature - new things, improvements

try-45 - task number from linear

Pull requests

  1. Always branch out of Master/Main
  2. Include task number in pull request so linear will start tracking it. Feel free to include more than one task if you were working on few things at the same time.
  3. Feel free to either copy description from linear title or write it yourself if you want to.

Example: image

You should see info from linear, it means the linear is tracking it so you don't have to :) image

Code review

  1. At least 1 approve before merging
  2. Quick urgent fix - feel free to merge it without code review
