Ja7ad / amqp

Wrapped amqp091-go with specific stable/safe regarding connection (Production Ready)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

amqp Go Reference

The AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol) package in Go is a wrapper for amqp091-go, offering a specific focus on stable and secure connection management. This package provides a high-level interface for interacting with RabbitMQ, emphasizing reliability and safety in connection handling. Key features include automatic reconnection strategies, a simplified API for creating consumers and publishers, and graceful connection closure. By wrapping amqp091-go with stability and safety in mind, this package facilitates robust and secure messaging in Go applications. Explore the documentation to leverage the power of AMQP with confidence in your projects.


  • Reliable Reconnection Management: Develop a robust reconnection mechanism with a specific connection and channel manager running in the background. Ensure seamless and automatic re-establishment of connections in case of interruptions or failures.

  • Concurrent Safe Message Consumption: Implement concurrent-safe methods for consuming messages, allowing multiple consumers to handle messages concurrently without conflicts. Ensure thread-safety in message consumption to support high-concurrency scenarios.

  • Custom Publish Method with Retry Support: Design a custom publish method to provide flexibility in message publishing. Incorporate retry support in the publish mechanism to automatically retry failed message deliveries, enhancing message reliability.

  • Consumer with Fault Tolerance: Develop a fault-tolerant consumer that can gracefully handle errors and exceptions during message processing. Implement mechanisms to handle and recover from faults, ensuring continuous and reliable message consumption.

  • Auto Encoder (JSON, GOB, ProtoBuf): Automatically encode your message body with any type upon publishing. Then, upon consumption, automatically decode the message body into your variable."


go get -u github.com/Ja7ad/amqp

Example Consumer

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`

type Greeting struct {
	Msg string `json:"msg"`

const (
	routingKeyPerson   = "person"
	routingKeyGreeting = "greeting"

func main() {
	done := make(chan struct{})

	b, err := amqp.New("uri")
	if err != nil {

	con, err := b.Consumer(
			Name:       "test",
			Kind:       types.Topic,
			Declare:    true,
			Passive:    false,
			Durable:    true,
			AutoDelete: false,
			Internal:   false,
			NoWait:     false,
			Arguments:  nil,
			Name:       "test",
			Declare:    true,
			Durable:    true,
			Passive:    false,
			Exclusive:  false,
			AutoDelete: false,
			NoWait:     false,
			Arguments:  nil,
			Name:      "test1",
			AutoAck:   false,
			Exclusive: false,
			NoLocal:   false,
			NoWait:    false,
			Arguments: nil,
				Key:     "greeting",
				Declare: true,
				Key:     "person",
				Declare: true,

	if err := con.Start(); err != nil {


func handler(routingKey string, msgFunc func(vPtr any) (types.Delivery, error)) types.Action {
	switch routingKey {
	case routingKeyPerson:
		person := new(Person)
		msg, err := msgFunc(person)
		if err != nil {
			return types.NackDiscard

		fmt.Printf("routingKey: %s, msg: %v\n", msg.RoutingKey, person)
		return types.Ack
	case routingKeyGreeting:
		greeting := new(Greeting)
		msg, err := msgFunc(greeting)
		if err != nil {
			return types.NackDiscard

		fmt.Printf("routingKey: %s, msg: %v\n", msg.RoutingKey, greeting)
		return types.Ack
		return types.Reject


Example Publisher

package main

import (

type Person struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Age  int    `json:"age"`

type Greeting struct {
	Msg string `json:"msg"`

const (
	routingKeyPerson   = "person"
	routingKeyGreeting = "greeting"

func main() {
	rb, err := amqp.New("uri")
	if err != nil {

	pub, err := rb.Publisher(&types.Exchange{
		Name:       "test",
		Kind:       types.Topic,
		Declare:    true,
		Passive:    false,
		Durable:    true,
		AutoDelete: false,
		Internal:   false,
		NoWait:     false,
		Arguments:  nil,
	}, false)
	if err != nil {

	person := &Person{
		Name: "javad",
		Age:  30,

	if err := pub.Publish(false, false, types.Publishing{
		DeliveryMode: types.Persistent,
		Body:         person,
	}, routingKeyPerson); err != nil {

	greeting := &Greeting{
		Msg: "foobar",

	if err := pub.Publish(false, false, types.Publishing{
		DeliveryMode: types.Persistent,
		Body:         greeting,
	}, routingKeyGreeting); err != nil {


Wrapped amqp091-go with specific stable/safe regarding connection (Production Ready)

License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%