JTOne123 / SharpINI

A simple .NET Standard 2.0 compatible library to parse and write INI strings

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SharpINI - A simple INI Reader/Writer for C#

SharpINI is a simple .NET Standard 2.0 compatible library to parse and write INI strings.

INIs are somehow a problematic format, since there is no global standard like for JSON or XML. There are so many implementations that parse the files using different rules. This library tries to provide an interface with parsing options to parse some of the INI files out there without creating too much complexity.


This library allows the following things to be defined while parsing:

  • Space chars
  • Line breaks (limited)
  • Comment chars (only at the beginning of a line)
  • Behaviour when there are multiple sections with the same name
  • Behaviour when there are multiple keys in a section with the same name
  • Behaviour when there are strings outside of a section (when no section has been started)
  • Removing spaces before and after value

General parsing rules

These rules are hard and cannot be changed using parsing options

  • Any space at the start of a line is removed
  • Any space between the key of a key-value-pair and the = is removed
  • Section titles must not contain closing brackets (]) in their name
  • Any line must be a section title, a key-value pair, a comment line or an empty line (an empty line is just filled with space chars)


Whenever "Space" is used in this readme, it means every char that was defined as spaceChars in the parse options.

By default they are:

  • 0x20 Space
  • 0x09 Tab
  • 0xA0 Non-breaking space (NBSP)


SharpINI parses the string into the following format:

  • Each Section is represented as IDictionary<string, string>
  • The INI file is represented as IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>

See Types-section for more information

Basic reading

using SharpINI;

var myINIString = @"[MySection]


var parsed = INIReader.ReadINI(myINIString);
		[Key1, val1]
		[Key2, val2]
		[Key1, val3]
		[Key2, val4]

var key = parsed["MySection"]["Key1"]; // => "val1"

Reading with options

using SharpINI;

var myINIString = @"[MySection]


var options = new ParseOptions(multiSectionMode: MultiSectionMode.MERGE,
                               multiKeyMode: MultiKeyMode.OVERRIDE);

var parsed = INIReader.ReadINI(myINIString, options);
		[Key1, val3]
		[Key2, val2]
		[Key3, val4]

Parse options

Name Type Default Description
lineStartCommentChars char[] ; # If a line starts with one of these chars it's treated as comment and completely ignored
spaceChars char[]
  • 0x20
  • 0x09 (\t)
  • 0xA0 (NBSP)
Defines which chars are treated as space
lineBreaks string[] \n \r\n Defines which strings are treated as line breaks.
Note: Due to the mechanism of reading the files, the lineBreaks-option is implemented using a simple .Replace(lineBreak, "\n").
Therefore \n will always be treated as line break
trimSpaceBeforeValue bool true If true, any space chars directly after the = of a key value pair are trimmed
trimSpaceAfterValue bool true If true, any space chars at the end of a value are trimmed
multiKeyMode MultiKeyMode DISALLOW Defines the behaviour if there are multiple keys with the same name in a section.
  • DISALLOW: Throws an exception
  • OVERRIDE: Replaces the existing value
  • IGNORE: Discards the current/new value
multiSectionMode MultiSectionMode DISALLOW Defines the behaviour if there are multiple sections with the same name
  • DISALLOW: Throws an exception
  • OVERRIDE: Discards the old section and replaces it with a new one
  • MERGE: Treat the keys of the sections as if they were in one section. The behaviour if there are the same key names used is defined using multiKeyMode
  • IGNORE: Discards the current/new section
initialSectionName string empty string If there are keys at beginning of the file where no section has been started/opened yet, these keys are stored in a section with this name. If this option is set to null, keys outside of sections are disallowed and an exception is thrown if there are any


When writing INI files, SharpINI accepts the same object type like it produces while reading: IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>>

Basic writing

using SharpINI;

var iniString = INIWriter.WriteINI(parsed);
/*iniString: @"[MySection]
Key1 = val1
Key2 = val2

Key1 = val3
Key2 = val4"

As you see, there are now spaces before and after the =. You can define such render/write options using RenderOptions which are passed to WriteINI.

Writing with options

using SharpINI;

var options = new RenderOptions(spaceAfterKey: false,
                                spaceBeforeValue: false,
                                linesBetweenSections: 0);

var iniString = INIWriter.WriteINI(parsed, options);
/*iniString: @"[MySection]


Name Type Default Description
lineBreak string \n The string used as line break
space string 0x20 The string used as space
spaceAfterKey bool true Whether to insert a space before the = char in key-value pairs
spaceBeforeValue bool true Whether to insert a space after the = char in key-value pairs
linesBetweenSections int 1 Number of blank lines to be inserted between the last key of a section and the next section
initialSectionName string empty string Defines which section keys should be written at the start of the file without section-header. If it's set to null or if there is no section with this name, no keys are written without section

Convert parse options to render options

You can generate a RenderOptions object from your ParseOptions by calling the method parseOptions.ToRenderOptions(). This will convert your parse options to render options.

Following values are converted:

  • lineBreak (first line break string)
  • space (first space char)
  • spaceAfterKey, based on trimSpaceBeforeValue
  • spaceBeforeValue, based on trimSpaceBeforeValue
  • initialSelectionName


When reading with INIReader.ReadINI, an object of type INIFile is returned. This type implements IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> but replaces the access through the index (file["myKey"]). You can use it like any normal IDictionary, but if you try to access a key which doesn't exists, null is returned instead of an exception being thrown. Additionally, instead of an IDictionary<string, string>, an INISection is returned which again inherits IDictionary<string, string>. This object has the same behaviour like INIFile and returns null if the given key doesn't exist.

But: This feature of INIFile and INISection can only be used if you treat the object as an INIFile or INISection. As soon as your variable has the IDictionary-type instead of INIFile or INISection, the normal Dictionary-code is executed. So if you want to use this null-feature, always store your objects using var, INIFile or INISection.

var file = INIReader.ReadINI(someINIString);
//Type of file: INIFile

var val = file["someNonExistentKey"];
// => val == null

Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> dicFile = file;
//Upcasting to Dictionary-type

var dicVal = dicFile["someNonExistentKey"];
//An exception is thrown

If you're accessing a section through INIFile which has been manually added by your code which is not a INISection but a normal IDictionary<string, string>, null is returned as the cast to INISection failed. So, if you're adding new sections, either use new INISection() or access it through the IDictionary-type instead of the INIFile-type.

var file = INIReader.ReadINI(someINIString);

file["newSection"] = new INISection();
var section = file["newSection"];
//section: INISection

IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> dicFile = file;

dicFile["newSection"] = new Dictionary<string, string>();
section = file["newSection"];
//section: null

Using internal methods

Beside ReadINI, INIReader contains methods like ReadSectionTitle and ReadKeyValue. These methods are used internally. If you want to use these methods for whatever reason, you have to tell SharpINI to perform additional checks in these methods, as by default they omit checks done by the SharpINI-caller method. To announce the usage of these methods, compile the library with the SHARE_INTERNAL_METHODS flag (obviously not possible when using the precompiled NuGet package).

To be more performant, the reading is done by simply moving a cursor over the string, so that a new substring does not have to be created for each element. This string-shifting is done by the internal class StringView. This class is also only shown if you activate the compiliation flag SHARE_INTERNAL_METHODS. So for using the internal methods, you have to create a StringView instance.


SharpINI is licensed under the MIT License


A simple .NET Standard 2.0 compatible library to parse and write INI strings

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%