JTOne123 / DynamicMap

Dynamic mapping of object to anonymous type with support of Json.Net and complex objects

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Dynamic mapping of object to anonymous type with support of Json.Net and complex objects, Similar to AutoMapper library but with support of dynamic types.

Nuget packge

// Create new dummy object
var obj = new DummyClass();

// Wrap `obj` to JObject
var json = JObject.FromObject(obj);
// Map json to DummyNestedClass
var result = DynamicMap.Map(typeof(DummyNestedClass), json);
// Assert result is equal to original object
Assert.Equal(result, obj);

Changes as of version 2.0

I re-designed the whole library in version 2.0, it is more modular now. It is not more similar to popular mapping library, AutoMapper. This is in way comparable to the extensive features of AutoMapper but it gets the job done for simple POCOs, even nested ones with complex IEnumerable properties.

As of version 2.0, to add a custom mapping profile, library requires creating a class that extends ISpecialMapper. In the example below, I extended BaseDynamicMap as I did not want to implement many other interface methods as well.

public class CustomClassSpecialMapper: BaseDynamicMap, ISpecialMapper
  // returns new instance of this mapper, needed due to the recursive nature of this library
  public new ISpecialMapper New() => new CustomClassSpecialMapper();

  // if true then this mapper will be used
  public bool MatchingMapper(Type destinationType, Type sourceType, object sourceObj)
      return sourceType == typeof(CustomClass);
  // order of custom mapper
  public int Order() => 4;

Finally, register the custom dynamic mapper

DynamicMap.GetDynamicMapBuilder().RegisterCustomMapper(new CustomClassSpecialMapper()); 

Supporting types:

  • Primitve types
  • List and IEnumerables
  • JObject (JSON.net's dynamic object)
  • ExpandoObjects (essentially IDictionary<string, object>)

Note that when IsComplex flag is set to true on a property of a type, then mapper will run a dynamic map recursively for that specific property. Please see BaseDynamicMap.cs for more details.

Release notes:

  • Added support for mapping of primitives
  • Added support for IDictionary
  • Added support for merge array of objects into one type


Dynamic mapping of object to anonymous type with support of Json.Net and complex objects


Language:C# 100.0%