JSQLParser / JSqlParser

JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern

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A huge thank you to our sponsor, Starlake.ai who simplifies data ingestion, transformation, and orchestration, enabling faster delivery of high-quality data. Starlake has been instrumental in providing Piped SQL and numerous test cases for BigQuery, Redshift, DataBricks, and DuckDB. Show your support for ongoing development by visiting Starlake.ai and giving us a star!


Please visit our WebSite for detailed information. JSqlParser is a RDBMS agnostic SQL statement parser. It translates SQL statements into a traversable hierarchy of Java classes (see Samples):

SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE a = b

/* produces the following AST

SQL Text
 └─Statements: statement.select.PlainSelect
    ├─selectItems: statement.select.SelectItem
    │  └─LongValue: 1
    ├─Table: dual
    └─where: expression.operators.relational.EqualsTo
       ├─Column: a
       └─Column: b
String sqlStr = "select 1 from dual where a=b";

PlainSelect select = (PlainSelect) CCJSqlParserUtil.parse(sqlStr);

SelectItem selectItem =
        new LongValue(1)
        , selectItem.getExpression());

Table table = (Table) select.getFromItem();
Assertions.assertEquals("dual", table.getName());

EqualsTo equalsTo = (EqualsTo) select.getWhere();
Column a = (Column) equalsTo.getLeftExpression();
Column b = (Column) equalsTo.getRightExpression();
Assertions.assertEquals("a", a.getColumnName());
Assertions.assertEquals("b", b.getColumnName());

Support for Piped SQL

Work is progressing for parsing Piped SQL, a much saner and more logical way to write queries in its semantic order.

FROM Produce
    item != 'bananas'
    AND category IN ('fruit', 'nut')
|> AGGREGATE COUNT(*) AS num_items, SUM(sales) AS total_sales
   GROUP BY item
|> ORDER BY item DESC;

For details, please see https://storage.googleapis.com/gweb-research2023-media/pubtools/1004848.pdf, https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/pipe-syntax and https://duckdb.org/docs/sql/query_syntax/from.html#from-first-syntax

Java Version

JSQLParser-4.9 was the last JDK8 compatible version. JSQLParser-5.0 and later depend on JDK11 and introduce API breaking changes to the AST Visitors. Please see the Migration Guide for the details.

JSqlParser aims to support the SQL standard as well as all major RDBMS. Any missing syntax or features can be added on demand.

RDBMS Statements
MS SQL Server and Sybase
MySQL and MariaDB
H2 and HSQLDB and Derby
CREATE ..., ALTER ...., DROP ...
WITH ...
Piped SQL (also known as FROM SQL)

JSqlParser can also be used to create SQL Statements from Java Code with a fluent API (see Samples).

Sister Projects

If you like JSqlParser then please check out its related projects:

Alternatives to JSqlParser?

General SQL Parser looks pretty good, with extended SQL syntax (like PL/SQL and T-SQL) and java + .NET APIs. The tool is commercial (license available online), with a free download option.

Alternatively the dual-licensed JOOQ provides a handwritten Parser supporting a lot of RDBMS, translation between dialects, SQL transformation, can be used as a JDBC proxy for translation and transformation purposes.

  1. Samples
  2. Build Instructions and Maven Artifact
  3. Contribution
  4. Change Log
  5. Issues


JSqlParser is dual licensed under LGPL V2.1 or Apache Software License, Version 2.0.


JSqlParser parses an SQL statement and translate it into a hierarchy of Java classes. The generated hierarchy can be navigated using the Visitor Pattern


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 98.9%Language:PLSQL 0.5%Language:CSS 0.3%Language:XSLT 0.2%Language:JavaScript 0.1%Language:Python 0.0%